
Meet KAPTARians, read about success- and background stories, changes and updates and everything else we want all of you to hear about.


Our prices have remained unchanged for two years; however, due to the impact of inflation, our costs have also increased during this time. As a result, starting January 1, 2025, the prices of our memberships and services will also be adjusted. We have made it a priority to increase coworking membership fees and discounted room rental rates for members minimally, aligning with the centrally projected inflation rate for this year (4-5%).



The digital nomad lifestyle has been increasingly popular for years, and it’s no coincidence. Discovering exciting new cities, traveling around, or even working in the shade of palm trees with a refreshing lemonade in hand, a laptop in your lap, without constraints, while doing what you love… Of course, being a digital nomad doesn’t just mean this, and it’s not always this simple, but if you’re also drawn to this lifestyle, join us, and we’ll tell you how you can work in a way that allows you to explore the world while also showing you what KAPTÁR has to offer for you as a digital nomad!



The rise of freelancing and individual entrepreneurship has brought about a completely new era in the world of work, where people increasingly seek flexible, office-free, and company-independent forms of work, escaping from traditional corporate constraints. However, life outside the corporate realm demands different frameworks for those seeking efficiency and structure in their daily lives.



We brainstormed at a monthly event planning team meeting about how we could expand this brainstorming session into an open happening! This is how the first COMMUNI-THINK! was born! 



Book in advance for next year at a discount! As you may have read in previous announcements, the first floor of KAPTÁR will be expanded with a new office space, which the community will be able to occupy from January 2024. Yay!



In the heart of Hungary, Budapest stands out as a prime location for various events and in the heart of Budapest, KAPTÁR also stands out as one of the most popular workshop venues. A community office can be a treasure trove of event venues, offering diverse options for any gathering. From informal workshops to international symposiums, the event venue Budapest scene is equipped to impress with its unique fusion of historical elegance and contemporary facilities.



In the heart of Central Europe, the concept of a virtual office has revolutionized the traditional work environment, especially in bustling metropolitan hubs like Budapest. At KAPTÁR entrepreneurs, freelancers, and businesses looking to expand their reach are increasingly turning towards solutions like a virtual office in Hungary, leveraging the myriad of benefits it offers while simultaneously enjoying a connection to this dynamic region.


2022 in numbers

How did the year 2022 look in numbers for KAPTÁR?
We’ve been thinking about how to best show KAPTÁR’s last year in light of different operational numbers, to make it mean something. Well…, we had trouble agreeing on the best solution so we made this short video (unfortunately only in Hungarian) about how hard it is to show statistical numbers in a way that is interesting to anybody… 



It’s wonderful to be part of a team that happens to gather on a random weekend voluntarily to make some funny sketch videos just for our own pleasure, e.g. based on the idea of ​​The Office. Here is the full series for everybody’s pleasure.



Would you like to see the workstations on all three levels? Here is the detailed floor plan for each!



Here is a summary of all our guidelines in our everyday life. Both old and new HIPPERs can learn a lot from going through them!


How can coworking make you a better person?

Coworking is a workspace where people who deal with different spheres of occupation work in one environment. They may rent a place for some period. It is impressive how the environment affects the feeling of a person. Thus, we want to consider how a coworking zone can make one “a better person”? How do these two notions correlate with each other? What is the role of mental wellness and personal growth? Let’s dive into that topic to determine if it is worth working in a coworking center. Prepare a cup of tea, and let’s start!



Expert commentary on the future of the coworking business: The coworking business has been around since 2005. In recent years we have seen rapid growth in the industry. Today, niche influencers are making predictions for coworking space trends in 2023. Right now we have a wonderful opportunity to learn about the future of the coworking industry and prepare for tomorrow.


Our year of 2021 in numbers!

We were quite surprised when we looked  back on some interesting key numbers of 2021. It all seemed as it was back to almost the good old “normal” despite of the World being upside down.


Let sleeping be your superpower!

Speed-course about why sleep more than work more

You tend to save time on sleeping because other things seem more interesting to you? Sometimes you feel sleeping holds you back from being productive enough? You’ve got used to sleeping less and unwell for a long time? Then you also do not really understand some of the most basic roles of sleeping. Be careful, shocking content is coming!



It’s been years since our last price change, but mainly due to the considerable increasing inflation also affects our costs of operation, therefore as of January 1st, 2022, we introduce minor increase in the monthly prices of some of our plans and services. 


9 stories that made us proud


Collecting these points made us pretty proud, to be honest. We are truly happy to be have positive impact on the world around us. 


9 years – 9 biggest blunders



Maybe among all lists, this one is the most instructive! It’s so good to see how many of you resonated with the lessons we learned during these nine years. We’re glad to share our knowledge with you all!



9 years – 9 disasters

 9 ”disasters” that happened in/to KAPTÁR


1️⃣ The first story is from before we opened, when we learned, that the grant we applied to finance the fit-out of the space was silently used up and closed without any notification to most of those who applied in the first place.

2️⃣ The second disaster came right after opening: out of the 15 people who promised to come to us, none showed up after our grand opening in the end. This left us with long-long hours and days without anyone in the space in the first year of KAPTÁR’s first year.

3️⃣ In the summer of 2015, there have been huge rain showers in Budapest that of course did not avoid us either. Although the water did not reach up to our waists like in the surrounding buildings, but it stood at least 30cms high in our basement. It was beautiful how our members who got stuck in KAPTÁR and our lawyer Tamás helped us bailing the water down there with any tool they found handy. We suffered serious damages and we had to disinfect then paint and furnish the whole basement afterwards.

4️⃣ Water damage from above: this is our favourite! When we were building the first floor in the beginning of 2016, one morning, Kati Hankovszky, who arrived already before 8am to KAPTÁR called, that water is pouring from the ceiling. Long story short, someone broke into the construction site but found nothing valuable, so they ended up breaking off a copper faucet (worth max HUF 300) leaving the place with water spraying with full power all over the slag floor. Our damage was several hundred-thousands of Forints. What we are super proud of though, is that we managed to dry the walls out with the help of industrial blowers so fast that we could reopen already the next day.

5️⃣ Our second water damage from above came not much later, when we had to cut large holes under the windows for the ventilation system that required diamond drillers cooled by water. After the two leaks, we had to replace the whole false ceiling that we celebrated with a complete repaint of the space.

6️⃣ Another story is still from 2016, is when we were organizing our 4th birthday party that was supposed to be connected with the grand opening of our new first floor space. One week before the big date, our partner supplying the glass walls called that all our newly ordered glass walls broke into pieces during loading so their delivery will be delayed. This is our guests ended up walking through invisible walls like ghosts during the opening party, which they surprisingly very much enjoyed.

7️⃣ Rather small “disaster” but funny our story from 2019, when we handed over our newly build Happening FIXIE space. After a few weeks, small but puzzling little ponds started to appear in the kitchenette. We seeked for the source of water in several rounds but without luck. Then there was nothing else left, we had to take apart the furniture and check the walls too. It turned out that the source of water was the drain pipe of one of our air conditioners that the fitter just left hanging in the wall without connecting it into the water outlet.

8️⃣ But the biggest of all our catastrophes came last year in March and we still live with it. You know what we’re referring to. For almost 8 years, we never had to close, not even for a day, then COVID forced us to do it in the end. And we wouldn’t have survived without so many of our members who supported us by keeping their memberships alive even when they couldn’t use the space. The help of our members exceeded all our expectations, for which we will be grateful forever.

9️⃣ And at last, the 9th story. Even if we are separated from the street front by only one door, in 9 years, nothing was stolen from KAPTÁR. Except that little, neat hand soap dish that disappeared from our washroom after an exhibition opening in 2014. Still missing it heavy heartedly



If freelance lifestyle is something like modern knighthood, then productivity must equal the nights armour, that if used properly – in case of both an employee or an entrepreneur -, it helps you fight the most urgent deadlines, the toughest projects and our worst fear of all: wasted working hours. If you always seem to be in delay with your daily tasks, yet you have all the time needed to complete them, these tips are for you! READ MORE

Big Companies and Coworking


Aaron Swain: Reasons Why Corporations Are Choosing Coworking


When the term coworking space comes up, most people picture startups, freelancers, and remote workers. But that isn’t often the case as more big companies are taking up membership in coworking spaces. This year, 2020, 50% of large organizations are projected to have coworking spaces. And the numbers are set to grow at a rate of 22% until 2022. The reasons for this are not farfetched when you consider the several benefits of shared spaces. Most of which are mostly more attractive than working at the company’s main office.



Let’s take care of each other! Safety and COVID – precautonary measures in KAPTÁR.


Unlike the harsh restrictions initiated during springtime, measures this fall are rather light and limited. Just like before, the safety rules KAPTÁR defines remain fully voluntary (it is completely up to us), as there are no legal regulations introduced that would define such obligations we and other (community) office spaces would need to follow and obey. Most important for us is that you can work and stay safe here, that we look after you and you look after each other.




John Edwards: 5 reason why you should choose FIXIE over office rent


How much do you shell out monthly to pay for your office rent? This question triggers financial nightmares, especially if your business isn’t going how you planned it. Everyone needs a space to work out of, but office rent keeps increasing year on year, making it difficult for most businesses to keep up. These increments hit sole proprietorships and small businesses the most.


KAPTÁR faces – Jamie Murphy

I am CEO of Polkadot Tiger, an SEO A/B testing tool as well as other products and services that I’ve built. I moved to Budapest in 2015 and began a journey of both location and financial freedom. Ever since then I’ve been a regular traveller to new places and left my job as a developer to create my own businesses, products and services. 


Mompreneurs – Veressné Pántya Szilvia

Veressné Pántya Szilvia a Vadlúd Vendégház megálmodója, aki gyermekei és férje támogatásával teljesítette be régi álmát. Vállakozó szuperanyaként célja, hogy példát mutasson nemcsak gyermekeinek, de sorstársainak is. 🙂 Szilvi nem fél a kihívásoktól, története mindenki számára inspiráló lehet. A Mompreneurs közösség tagjaként pedig sztoriját a hasonló cipőben járó anyukákhoz is eljuttatja. Olvassátok el a vele készített interjúnkat!


KAPTÁR – clovio: Why Run a Company Blog

Every business from the biggest multinationals to the smallest, most local of ventures must all suffer the same question: ‘how can we reach customers?’ It’s a tricky question, for sure, and there is no one right answer, but one of the simplest things any company can do is to provide a well-maintained blog.


KAPTÁR ‘Köszönöm’ Est

Gyakran megállunk egy-egy pillanatra és elgondolkodunk, miért is vagyunk hálásak, hogyan is keletkezik mindaz, amit annyira szeretnek a tagjaink, az ügyfeleink és sok-sok lelkes követőnk. A KAPTÁR sikerének egyik titka, hogy rendkívüli emberekkel dolgozunk együtt. Olyan sokszor feltűnik, hogy mennyi mindent kapunk tőlük, hogy elhatároztuk, szervezünk egy estet nekik, ahova meghívjuk az összes partnerünket, akik többet tesznek értünk, mint ami elvárható lenne tőlük.


KAPTÁR faces – Precognox team: Gábor Gelencsér and Károly Kása

We are the Budapest team of around thirty employees of a software engineering company called Precognox. Our main task within the company is to help clients retrieve quality user data from written text that can be transformed into useful information to the users by way of search and visualization. 


KAPTÁR faces – Csaba Illés

Csaba has worked as a frontend developer for the past ten years. Then in February, after leaving his last workplace, he started developing mobile games. Now, this is an exciting, scary, creative time in his life.


KAPTÁR faces – Zoltán Paksy

Ten years ago, I left my 18-year carrier of international advertising and managing director to work for the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) to promote sustainable forest management and the FSC certification globally from Germany. A couple of years later, I moved back to Hungary and started to work as an interim marketing director and marketing consultant.


KAPTÁR faces – Eric Rasmussen

Hello, my name is Eric Rasmussen. I am the owner of a one-person business based in Cambridge, Massachusetts USA. I am a web designer and developer.


KAPTÁR faces – Jenine Sharabi

Jenine is a Graphic Designer and Creative Partner at Two Desk Studio, a boutique creative agency primarily based in the Kingdom of Bahrain, a small island situated in the Arabian Gulf. Personal interests recently pulled her to relocate to Budapest and through the magic of the internet, she is currently co-managing her business while fully immersing herself as a newfound digital nomad and according to Jenine, there is no better place to start than at KAPTÁR!


KAPTÁR faces – Gabriella Gál

Gabi has been a KAPTÁR member for almost a year. Her full-time job is in the field of business intelligence in a bank, but at KAPTÁR, she works on her own part-time business, on a side-gig webshop. She started out as a Fixie member and she has been mostly working here in evenings and on weekends when most of the people are gone, so she often feels like the phantom of KAPTÁR (even the opera house is pretty close :). She has a diploma in economics and an addictology consultancy. This topic is an important part of her life.


KAPTÁR faces – András Attilio Tóth

Hi, I am András Attilio Tóth, and I recently became a Kaptarian. I work as a software developer, which means much more for me as a simple job: I am glad to learn new technologies or work on hobby-projects in my free time as well. Besides this, I like traveling, discovering new places and meeting new people, I’m fond of foreign languages, and I like to go hiking, canoeing, and biking. From the first time I set foot into KAPTÁR, I was amazed by the atmosphere and the kindness of the hosts, besides the great place in the city, that’s the reason I chose it as my second home.


KAPTÁR faces – Marco Scottini

Marco calls himself a geeky eclectic guy who always wants to try to understand how the world works. His major field is an economic theory and currently, he’s a research fellow at Fondazione Luigi Einaudi and an independent consultant at Consumer CentriX. He loves sports and playing his guitar 🙂


KAPTÁR faces – Kassandra Hadzima

Kasandra is from Ohio in the USA. She works for a travel company where she finds airline deals and is the Customer Success and Community Manager. She came to Hungary with her boyfriend for his work a few years ago. For the past few years, she has been splitting her time between living in Budapest and in the US. She loves living in Budapest. 🙂 She really enjoys traveling and hope to do as much as she can while here! 


KAPTÁR faces – Gábor Kőrös

I deal with business consulting in the area of strategy, business models, and innovation, but mostly I help companies to find their problems, to structure their way of thinking, and to enhance their work productivity. I have experience in finances, I worked in sales and recently in the innovation team of an international bank. My current client is a foreign fintech company, ModulTrade Ltd, which develops smart contract, blockchain-based e-commerce solutions.


KAPTÁR success stories – Zsófia Barcza

Today’s guest of KAPTÁR’s Success Story is Zsófi Barcza, the founder of Syntesia Medical Communications and one of the ancient KAPTÁR inhabitants. Zsófi is a medical writer and mostly works for doctors and pharmacists. Thank you for joining in our invitation, Zsófi. How has all of this started? How have you found this market niche?


KAPTÁR faces – József Kabai

I’m the managing director of Távügyvitel Kft., which offers online accounting for companies. Within the company, I’m responsible for marketing and the development of our online marketing system. Thanks to my online work, I’ve traveled a lot in the past years. Now I prefer hiking in the mountains around Budapest and I rediscovered reading!


KAPTÁR faces – Péter Szentkúti

I am Péter Szentkúti and I work in the field of data analysis and biostatistics. I’ve just switched from the bank modelling sector to the medical university a few weeks ago, where I’m gonna work as a biostatistician. I’ve started this work at KAPTÁR, where I popped by after I saw the friendly website. Since my experiences there were aligned with the „web impressions“, I kinda got stuck here.


KAPTÁR faces – Ciaran Foley

Ciaran is from Cork, Ireland, but has spent most of his life in New York and Florida. His wife is from Budapest so he has been to Budapest almost every year for the past 20 years. 2 years ago he moved to Budapest full time with his wife and 2 children so that the children could learn Hungarian and talk to their Hungarian grandparents. There isn’t much chance to learn Hungarian outside of Hungary. Their children, now 6 and 2,5, both speak English and Hungarian fluently.


KAPTÁR faces – Antal Víg

Antal Víg is the managing director of VIG.studios and an online marketing specialist. If you want people to notice your product or your service which you offer, Antal and his team could help you to get better access.


KAPTÁR faces – Péter Bakonyi

I’ve been working for my ex-company for more than 5 years now (a company dealing with film licenses etc. and seated only 50 meters away from here) and time has come for a chance to find something different, more interesting. We’d known each other with Áron for a long time now and therefore I’ve been following Kaptár’s story also since it’s opening and I was very much sympathizing how passionately it’s been founded and run since. We had a few chats earlier and ended up with the positive conclusion of giving us a try working together. Plus stayed close to Basil Ica just to make sure. 🙂


KAPTÁR faces – Ugis Balmaks

I’m a business owner from Riga, Latvia. My company iPhone Photography School helps people take better photos with the iPhone. I’ve been thinking about moving to a new city for a while now. I’ve always liked Budapest and I finally decided to come for longer. I’m happy that we’ve set up our team to be able to work from anywhere in the world. Now I get to try it myself.


KAPTÁR faces – David AhDoot

I’m a software developer from Los Angeles, California, though I’ve been a digital nomad for 18 months now. After spectacularly failing to learn Spanish during my 8 months in South America, I’m now failing to learn all of the European languages I’m encountering at a world-class pace.


KAPTÁR faces – Levente Székely

I’m a 23-year-old entrepreneur and have my own business in the IT sector. Our speciality is app and software development. I love to do things that wouldn’t occur to any reasonable person, especially not this young. So this business started out as a hobby besides my actual job. My latest idea is about sailing. Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to do sports, but I have serious plans regarding sailing.


KAPTÁR faces – Ariele Gold

Ariele is from Austin, Texas and is committed to squelching Texan stereotypes wherever she goes. She has spent most of her travel life in Southeast Asia, specifically Vietnam, where she once ran a super cool and entirely illegal motorbike tour company. Today, she’s a branding-conscious web designer and front-end developer, but she will always jump at the chance to explore a city on two wheels.


KAPTÁR faces – Mo Swailem

Mo Swailem from the USA describes himself as Partner at Good Life. He is a project manager at breakthruamazon, marketing consultant and an inspiring actor & entertainer.


KAPTÁR faces – Effe Thompson

Meet our new team member Effe Thompson from Ghana. Since July, he is the host of KAPTÁR Happening and its events. He’s currently studying marketing and has serious plans for the future.


KAPTÁR success stories – Dániel Farkas

Today’s guest of KAPTÁR Success Stories is Dani Farkas, the founder of Drops and one of KAPTÁR’s original inhabitants. His application has already been the „Application of the Day“ in several countries and platforms several times and lately, TechCrunch released an interview with the team about introducing the latest language – Hawaiian. Thank you for following our invitation as well, Dani! How has all of this started?


KAPTÁR faces – Ágnes Surján

Ági is working from KAPTÁR almost every weekday by now. She has been working for Drops as a general assistant / universal problem solver since March, so this world is quite new for her so far. Before that, she lived in South-Korea for 3 years and went to University there and worked in a „proper“ office job, but she didn’t like it. At Drops, everyone works remotely and Ági has the feeling, that she found the perfect thing for her.


KAPTÁR faces – Kati Marton

Kati Marton, a new KAPTÁR resident is a style and colour advisor. She can tell you, if you can wear brown or black, or if these colours make you look old. She also finds out if pastel or vibrant colours will make you shine more.


KAPTÁR faces – Bálint Kardos

Bálint started out at a multinational company and then switched to being a freelancer. Now he manages his daily work at KAPTÁR and enjoys the company of many exciting people. 🙂


KAPTÁR faces – Zoltán Ratkó

Meet with a core member of the KAPTÁR community, Zoltán Ratkó, ( designer. He designs the surface of various products using concrete, wood, marble, metal and other materials with a natural texture.


KAPTÁR faces – Daniel Marlin

Meet our new community member. Daniel Marlin came to us as a digital nomad from Cape Town, South Africa. His passion is writing and several of his articles got released in magazines like Forbes or Huffington Post.


KAPTÁR faces – Nicole Fu

Born in BC and raised in Singapore, Nicole spent her formative years in Halifax, Tokyo, and Montreal. There, she completed a Mathematics and Statistics degree and worked with tech/startups before leaving to be a digital nomad. Nicole spends her leisure time exploring nature and loves the arts. 


KAPTÁR faces – ANDOVAR team

We opened our new FIXIE space in June. From the new members, we’re happy to introduce the eclectic Andovar team. They built a global translation and localization company with 7 offices across the continents.


KAPTÁR faces – Valdemar Norsker

I’ve always felt very restless and never understood why or how people could accept the mundane life of, spending most of their time working a job they didn’t like and go home to a wife they didn’t care for. Recently I’ve discovered that my restlessness probably comes from ADHD, but I wouldn’t want to have it differently because it’s been fuel for many amazing experiences.

For example, when I was younger I started working with a dating coach and traveled to Europe and the US with him for 10 months.

So now my focus is really on how I can work towards a future where my excitement for life is not compromised by my job or the people I hang around!


KAPTÁR faces – Zsanett Czifrus

I’m a human with a big smile, chef, traveller & a curious woman who wants to make every meal & ordinary moment sacred. As a business professional, I create structured operations and conscious organisations. As a mindful eating trainer, I teach mindfulness applied for food and eating to nourish body, mind and soul for individuals and groups, both in Berlin and Budapest.  


KAPTÁR face – Fedor Ivanischev

I’m location independent since 2015, having worked remotely from 20+ countries around the world. I work as a full-stack web developer, but the thing I love the most is writing fiction. That’s what I do whenever I have free time and don’t feel too lazy or anxious or tired or drunk or other funny things. I mostly write in Russian, as this is my native language (I’m from St Petersburg), but the English version is coming soon.


KAPTÁR faces – Justin Butlion

My name is Justin Butlion. I’m 35 years old and was born and raised in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Today I’m working as an analytics and business operations consultant for online-based companies. A year and a half ago I left Tel Aviv where I had been living for 3 years (I immigrated to Israel when I was 19) and became a minimalist and digital nomad. Since then I’ve travelled to 10 countries including Thailand, Colombia, Greece and Costa Rica. My passions include football (Chelsea FC), poker, learning new things, and of course data and analytics.


KAPTÁR faces – Gábor Simonyi

I’ve worked for over 25 years in different areas of marketing, in a variety of constructions. I have already worked for a big multi-agency, a municipal cultural institution and I had my own company as well. I was an owner, a company manager, an employee, a freelancer and a volunteer. I have already tried Levi’s, the Zoo, Wizz Air, Prohibited Radio, BeOnTrips, Michelin, Eco Partner and much more.


KAPTÁR faces – Kata Juracsek

I’m a full-time PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University, my field of research in Russian literature.  Although I do love academic work, it can be a little lonely sometimes, that’s why in the past couple of years while attending university, I always tried to hold jobs where I got to experience new things, and where I could focus on concrete, practical tasks. I think that a coworking office is a great concept in itself, and I’ve only heard wonderful things about KAPTÁR, so I was very happy when the opportunity presented itself to apply for a job here. For me, it’s really important to be surrounded by motivated people who are passionate about what they are doing. KAPTÁR is full of such people, so I’m looking forward to becoming part of the community.


KAPTÁR faces- Anna Borszeki

Anna is living in Hungary for half of a year already and hopes to stay here forever. Originally she’s from Moscow. Actually she never thought that she would ever make such a change in her life and we are happy to be a part of it! Get to know her story!


KAPTÁR faces – Jonathan Patrick

 I chose KAPTÁR because of the strong community and because it felt not only like a cosy and friendly environment to work, but also to meet some great new people. Through KAPTÁR, I met some great friends who made Budapest feel like a real home to me!


KAPTÁR faces – Zsombor Járosi

Chopin and Nintendo

Zsombor had just freshly finished university when he was already hunted down by one of the top picks on the list of dream workplaces, IBM Budapest Lab (previously known as Ustream). Today, he is pretty much a one-man show representing the complete EngineeringEffectiveness team himself alone. Besides this job, he is also a recognized game developer. Although everything pointed towards becoming a software developer since birth, at one point he got very close to eventually playing on a completely different keyboard. 


KAPTÁR faces – János Balassa

A hard-set outsider, who eventually found his place in the world
Have you seen the guy running around KAPTÁR with Caramel[1] posters under his arm? He’s János Balassa, owner and founder of InConcert, whom we thank the brand Caramel. The road of the son of a diplomat landing in the world of entertainment lead through years in the banking and finance industries, coincidental encounters and several continents.


KAPTÁR faces – Klaudia Gál

How does data visualization make it to the spotlight?
Graphic designer and beloved KAPTARian Klaudia Gál is the only person not being a performing artist who received this year’s prestigious Múzsa Reménység Prize. An award, that acknowledges all those young professionals who contribute through their work, creations or artistic performances to the reputation and cultural heritage of the city of Miskolc.



KAPTÁR faces – Attila Őzse

Attila Őzse photographer is a true example that creativity and discipline are not mutually exclusive qualities. In fact, it is the routines built in his life that make his talent to unfold possible. It is Attila, who comes to KAPTÁR every morning at the same time, works through the day, yet the result is full of creativity. Oh, and on that note, he’s the photographer of KAPTÁR too!


KAPTÁR faces – Dániel Kollár

How Liverpool soccer club and the Chicago Bulls meet each other? Or what connects marketing management and copywriting eventually? Well, you can get some answers to these questions if you meet Daniel Kollar, whom we could introduce as a copywriter, however, this would definitely not cover the whole story behind who he is.



From the 2nd of June KAPTÁR is waiting for you again! Although a lot of things will get back to normal right away, we are doing everything to provide an environment where you can work safely – read the summary of our precautionary measures! READ MORE


Now, that we just turned 8 yet cannot gather and celebrate together, I thought I’ll tell you my story of the beginnings, how we started off, about the road we stepped on.  READ MORE

FUN Factory – Inspired by Ghana

Anytime I told someone I was from Ghana they would exclaim in so much excitement “Ooohh Ghanaaaaa” and then follow with a hard deafening silence for the next seconds we are together, On days when I am lucky, they ask about our national football team and if we made it to the world cup this year and then I can say No and go on ahead to express how saddening that was, considering the fact that we were the only African Country that made it to the quarterfinals in 2010.

Member’s Choice Award Winner 2018

KAPTÁR coworking space won another international award!

After being chosen by the US Forbes magazine in 2016 as the 5th best coworking space in the world, KAPTÁR got internationally awarded again. The world’s largest organization Coworker, which overviews more than 5000 coworking offices, initiated a voting, in which coworkers from all around chose KAPTÁR as the best coworking space in Hungary. READ MORE