KAPTÁR faces – Péter Szentkúti

I am Péter Szentkúti and I work in the field of data analysis and biostatistics. I’ve just switched from the bank modelling sector to the medical university a few weeks ago, where I’m gonna work as a biostatistician. I’ve started this work at KAPTÁR, where I popped by after I saw the friendly website. Since my experiences there were aligned with the „web impressions“, I kinda got stuck here.

What did you hate most about working from home?

I didn’t have any problems with that, first of all, because I haven’t even done it for a minute. 🙂

I started to work at KAPTÁR right after I left my job because I needed to have an office environment, an inspiring and cheerful community and a place where I can focus on work (without thinking about laundry or dishwashing)

What was your most embarrassing experience?

The statistical research for my first project about the eventual link between constipation and blood circulation disorders. Is that embarrassing enough? 🙂

What are you most proud of in life?

4 marathons, 3 sudoku-world championships, 2 kids, 1 wife – not necessarily in this order.