KAPTÁR irodák Kft.
General Terms and Conditions
Effective as of January 1, 2024
Pursuant to Section 6:77(1) of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (hereinafter “Civil Code”), the general terms and conditions of contract of KAPTÁR irodák Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (registered office: 1065 Budapest, Révay köz 4.; registration authority: Court of Registration of the Metropolitan Court of Budapest; company registration number: 01-09-967198; tax number: 23473861-2-42; hereinafter “KAPTÁR”) applicable to the Contracts on Services set out hereunder, concluded after the entry into force of the present General Terms and Conditions of Contract (hereinafter “GTC”), are set forth as follows:
For the purpose of the GTC, the capitalised terms used in this chapter shall have the following meaning.
1K Community Membership Contract: Coworking Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Community Member, pursuant to which the Community Member has the right to use the Services under the present GTC no later than 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the Contract, plus to use the Services under the present GTC no later than 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the Contract on a total of 1 (one) business days, between 8.00 AM and 8.00 PM.
4K Contract: Coworking Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Community Member, pursuant to which the Community Member has the right to use the Services under the present GTC no later than 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the Contract on a total of 4 (four) business days, between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
8K Contract: Coworking Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Community Member, pursuant to which the Community Member has the right to use the Services under the present GTC no later than 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the Contract on a total of 8 (eight) business days, between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
13K Contract: Coworking Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Community Member, pursuant to which the Community Member has the right to use the Services under the present GTC no later than 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the Contract on a total of 13 (thirteen) business days, between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
Privacy Statement: notice containing data management and data protection requirements applied by KAPTÁR in relation to the Personal Data of natural persons. The Privacy Statement in effect is continuously accessible on the Website (www.kaptarbudapest.hu/adatvedelem/) and on the Notice Board; in case of any discrepancy between the versions on the Website and the Notice Board, the text of the Privacy Statement of the Website shall apply.
Price List: list of the price of the current Services provided by KAPTÁR and of usage rates under the present GTC. The Price List contains a price defined in both Hungarian Forints (HUF) and Euros (EUR) with respect to all the Services of KAPTÁR, which prices can be set and changed anytime freely by KAPTÁR irrespective of the exchange rates. The Price List in effect is continuously accessible on the Website (www.kaptarbudapest.hu/araink/) and on the Notice Board; in case of any discrepancy between the versions on the Website and the Notice Board, information indicated on the Price List of the Website shall apply.
Bank Account: any bank account stated in the trade register of KAPTÁR in force.
Company Data: mandatory data provided by the legal person or other Customer organisation, Community Member for the conclusion of the Contract: name, registered office, registration number, tax number, e-mail address.
Business Address Service Contract: Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Customer, under which KAPTÁR provides the Services referred to in paragraph 3.9. of the present GTC to the Customer.
Coworking Contract: legal relationship established between KAPTÁR and the Community Member by purchase of a Half-day Pass or Day Pass, or by conclusion of any FLEXIE Contract or FIXIE Contract.
Other Services: services provided by KAPTÁR to Community Members in addition to the basic services under the Contracts referred to in the present GTC, which are available for an additional usage or service fee.
Party or Parties: parties to the Contract, i.e. KAPTÁR, as provider of the Service, and the natural person, legal person, or other organisation, as user of the Service.
Half-day Pass: available for purchase by the Community Member on business days, granting use of the Services referred to in the present GTC between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM, or between 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM on the day of purchase.
FIXIE Contract: indefinite term Coworking Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Community Member, under which the Community Member has the right to use the Services under the present GTC on all calendar days, between 0:00 and 24:00 hours, until the termination of the Contract.
FLEXIE Contract: legal relationship established between KAPTÁR and the Community Member by conclusion of a Community Membership Contract, 1K Contract, 4K Contract, 8K Contract, 13K Contract or Monthly Contract.
Monthly Contract: Coworking Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Community Member, under which the Community Member has the right to use the Services under the present GTC for 1 (one) month, on business days, between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM, from the date of the conclusion of the Contract. The Monthly Contract shall terminate on the day number of the month following the month on which day number the Contract was concluded; if there is no such day, the Monthly Contract shall terminate on the first day after the month following the date of conclusion.
House Rules: rules setting out the detailed terms and conditions of using the Community Office, contained in Annex 1 of the present GTC.
Notice Board: board located in the area of the Community Office, opposite the entrance, providing notices and information relating to the Community Members.
Website: website operated by KAPTÁR at www.kaptarbudapest.hu.
Community Office: offices operated by KAPTÁR, located at KAPTÁR Classic: H-1065 Budapest, Révay köz 4., and at KAPTÁR Happening: 1065 Budapest, Révay utca 4. In addition to the common areas (e.g. workstations in joint work spaces, kitchens, washrooms etc.) and 2 phone booths continuously accessible by all Community Members, the Community Office’s KAPTÁR Classic service includes 1-1 upper floor Workshop 1 (WS1) and Workshop 2 (WS2) room (for max. 30 people), 1 Classic M meeting room (for max. 6 people), a Classic L2 meeting room (for max. 12 people), 2 Classic S meeting rooms (for max. 4 people each), which may be converted into 1 Classic L1 meeting room (for max. 12 people), 1 Classic XS meeting room (for max. 2 people), 1 FIXIE space and 2 FIXIE phone booths based exclusively on fixed Contracts, while the KAPTÁR Happening service includes – besides the common areas accessible by all Community Members (e.g.: kitchen, washrooms etc.) – 1 Happening XL meeting room (for max. 12 people), 1 Happening M meeting room (for max. 6 people), 1 FIXIE space and 3 closed and 1 open phone booths, based exclusively on fixed Contracts; the layout of these is indicated in the Floor Plan contained in Annex 2 of the present GTC.
Community Events: regular events organised by KAPTÁR, listed with continuously updated information on the Notice Board.
Community Member: natural person concluding a Coworking Contract with KAPTÁR, as the provider of the Service, or if the Customer using the Service is a legal person or other organisation, the natural person(s) designated by such Party to use the Service upon the conclusion of the Coworking Contract.
Community Membership Contract: Coworking Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Community Member, pursuant to which the Community Member has the right to use the Services under the present GTC no later than 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the Contract.
Postal Address Service Contract: Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Customer, under which KAPTÁR provides the Services referred to in paragraph 3.11. of the present GTC to the Customer.
Day Pass: available for purchase by the Community Member on business days, granting use of the Services referred to in the present GTC between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM on the day of purchase.
Personal Data: the following personal identification data relating to the natural person Customer, or if the Customer using the Service is a legal person or other organisation, the natural person designated by such Party to use the Service, to be provided on a mandatory basis at the time of the conclusion of the Contract: name, place and date of birth, mother’s maiden name, address, e-mail address, phone number.
Contract or Contracts: Coworking Contract(s), Meeting Room Service Contract(s), Business Address Service Contract(s), and Seat Service Contract(s) and Postal Address Service Contract(s) concluded between KAPTÁR, as the provider of Service, and the Community Member, as the user of the Service.
Customer: Community Member and Party concluding a Meeting Room Service Contract or Business Address Service Contract or Seat Service Contract or Postal Address Service Contract with KAPTÁR.
Seat Service Contract: Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Customer, under which KAPTÁR provides the Services referred to in paragraph 3.10. of the present GTC to the Customer.
Service or Services: service(s) provided by KAPTÁR under or within the framework of any Contract referred to in the present GTC.
Meeting Room Service Contract: Contract concluded between KAPTÁR and the Customer, under which KAPTÁR provides the Services referred to in paragraph 3.8. of the present GTC to the Customer.
Guest Ticket: ticket available for purchase by a natural person designated by the Community Member, with which the guest of the Community Member has the right to stay in the area of the Community Office and to use the Services available to the Community Member purchasing the Guest Ticket for a total of 2 (two) hours, between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM on the weekday of the Guest Ticket’s purchase.
The Community Office and the Services may not be used without a valid Contract.
2.1. Conclusion of the Coworking Contracts
The Coworking Contract regulated in accordance with the present GTC is concluded by way of the purchase of the Half-day Pass or the Day Pass, and the conclusion of any FLEXIE or FIXIE Contract, and by payment of the fee of the desired Services by the Community Member.
A Coworking Contract can only be concluded – in case the necessary technological-technical conditions are given when the contract is concluded – electronically following the registration on the online interface designed and managed by KAPTÁR (https://kaptarbudapest.spaces.nexudus.com). When completing registration, the Community Member is required to provide his/her Personal Data or Company Data necessary for the conclusion of the contract and the password necessary to access the profile created during registration. Furthermore he/she is required to make a statement on the acceptance of provisions set out in the GTC and the Privacy Statement in effect on the day of registration. The Community Member can choose the type of the Coworking Contract he/she intends to conclude when logging into the profile that was created during registration and then, and initiate the conclusion of the Coworking Contract of his/her choice. In case a Community Member with an already existing profile – created during registration according to the above – indicates his/her intention to conclude the Coworking Contract of his/her choice verbally (via telephone or in person), the request for concluding the Coworking Contract shall be recorded electronically in the profile of the Community Member by the acting administrator of KAPTÁR. The conclusion of the contract shall be confirmed to the Community Member by KAPTÁR via e-mail in each case.
In case the electronic conclusion of the contract according to above shall be impeded due to any obstacles regarding the technical conditions necessary for the contract then, the Coworking Contract may also be concluded in paper form, by the completion and signing of the draft contract available for this purpose. KAPTÁR shall ensure that the information of the Coworking Contract concluded in paper form is uploaded to the electronic system according to the above immediately after the obstacle is resolved.
2.2. Conclusion of other Contracts
The Meeting Room Service Contract is concluded by way of the complete filling out of the appropriate columns of the online reservation system accessible through the Website (www.kaptarbudapest.hu/targyalo-foglalas/), i.e. by selection of the meeting room and the available time slot (not reserved earlier by someone else), and by the sending of such information to KAPTÁR as finalisation of the reservation, or by registration by KAPTÁR of the selection of the meeting room and the available time slot (not reserved earlier by someone else) verbally by the Customer (either in person or by phone).
A Contract regulated in accordance with the present GTC is concluded by signing of the Business Address Service Contract, Seat Service Contract and/or Postal Address Service Contract.
2.3. Use of Other Services
A contract on the use of Other Services referred to in the present GTC may be concluded verbally or by implied conduct, under the terms of the Price List in effect on the date of use. Only Customers with a valid Contract have the right to use Other Services after payment of the usage or service fees of the desired Other Services.
2.4. Data provision obligation
Prior to concluding the Contract, the natural person Customer is required to provide his/her Personal Data.
If the Contract is concluded by a legal person or other organisation as the user of the Service, such Customer shall provide its Company Data prior to the conclusion of the Contract, and designate the natural person(s) who has/have the right to use the Service(s) under the Contract(s) concluded by the Customer, together with provision of the relevant Personal Data. Unless provided otherwise by the present GTC, in case of several natural persons using the Service, the Customer shall pay the full fee of the given Contract in respect of all natural persons it designates.
The natural person(s) designated by the legal person or other organisation Customer for using the Services shall enjoy the rights and bear the obligations of the Customer under the present GTC during the performance of the Contract – from the start of actually using the Services.
In respect of a legal person or other organisation Customer, KAPTÁR may at its discretion, with no obligation to provide reasons, demand adequate proof of the right of representation of the person acting on behalf of the Customer as a condition for the conclusion of the Contract. In such a case, the right of representation is primarily proven by the handing over of the original copy or authenticated duplicate of the authentic company specimen signature (notarised specimen signature, or specimen signature countersigned by an attorney) and by verification of the identity of the acting person (involving the copying of the personal identification document, if necessary, which is permitted by the person concerned by his/her signing of such copy).
Should the need arise from any legal persons or other organization as Customer, KAPTÁR shall prepare and issue a paper form certificate subsequently on the Coworking Contract(s) that was concluded by the Customer electronically, recording the conclusion of the contract and its essential content.
2.5. Information obligation
The Customer both legal person or organization is obliged to notify and inform the natural person authorized to use the Services on its behalf of the content of present GTC and KAPTÁR’s data management policies as per its Privacy Statement in advance of entering into the Contract.
The Community Member purchasing a Guest Ticket is obliged to notify and inform the natural person using the Services under such Guest Ticket of the content of present GTC and KAPTÁR’s data management policies as per its Privacy Statement in advance of purchasing of the Guest Ticket.
2.6. Registration of Customers, data management
KAPTÁR has the right to keep records on the Personal Data and Company Data of Customers concluding a Contract, and on the Personal Data of natural persons designated to use the Services (for purposes of this paragraph “Data”). By signing the Contract, the Customer gives permission for the management of the Data in accordance with the present GTC, and further declares that it holds the necessary authorisation to grant permission necessary for such data management from the natural persons designated for the use of Services. If the above statement proves to be false, the legal person or organisation Customer concerned shall be fully liable for damages arising from possible consequences. Further provisions on the management of Personal Information shall be included in the Privacy Statement of KAPTÁR.
KAPTÁR has the right to manage the Data from the date of the Contract until 1 (one) year from the termination thereof. In the course of managing Data, KAPTÁR shall ensure their appropriate protection, and may not use the Data for purposes not related to the Contract or disclose them to third parties without the permission of the persons concerned, save for cases in which it is obliged to do so by law or administrative decisions. To support the fulfilment of its billing related obligations, KAPTÁR has the right to forward Data on the Community Members to third parties providing services to KAPTÁR within the scope of such activity.
The Customer has the right to request his/her/its deletion from the records before the expiry of the above deadline, in which case KAPTÁR is required to delete Data relating to the Customer without delay, but within 3 (three) days at the latest.
KAPTÁR operates an electronic surveillance system (closed circuit television system) on the premises of the Community Office in accordance with the rules of Act CXXXIII of 2005 on Security Services and the Activities of Private Investigators. By entry onto the premises of the Community Office, by implied conduct the Customer or the guest of a Community Member using the Services with a Guest Ticket gives his/her express consent to KAPTÁR to record images of the Customer on the premises of the Community Office, to store such recordings (photo, visual, voice) for no more than 3 (three) business days, and to use them in the cases, under the conditions and in the form regulated by applicable laws.
2.7. Automatic renewal of FLEXIE Contracts
If the Community Member concluding any FLEXIE Contract does not indicate to KAPTÁR by e-mail his/her/its intention not to renew the Contract no later than the last day of his/her/its Coworking Contract, or does not conclude a different type of Coworking Contract, a new FLEXIE Contract – identical to the previous Contract – is concluded automatically between the Parties on the day following the termination of the Contract. KAPTÁR shall send an e-mail to the Community Member 5 (five) days prior to the termination of the Contract, giving warning of automatic renewal. Within the scope of this paragraph, the date of termination for the 4K Contract, 8K Contract ,13K Contract and FLEXIE Contract shall be the 30th (thirtieth) day from the conclusion of the Contract, irrespective of the days available under the Contract which are used earlier.
2.8. Switching contracts
If the Community Member wishes to conclude a Monthly Contract instead of his/her existing 4K Contract, 8K Contract or 13K Contract, or to conclude a FIXIE Contract instead of his/her existing FLEXIE Contract, the amount of the service fee payable in respect of the new Coworking Contract shall be reduced by the portion of the fee of Services not yet used under the existing Coworking Contract (proportionate to the number of unused days in respect of the 4K Contract, 8K Contract and 13K Contract, and to the number of the remaining days of the Contract in respect of a Monthly Contract).
Unless provided otherwise by the present GTC, KAPTÁR shall provide the Services referred to in this chapter in accordance with the particular Contracts.
3.1. Community Membership Contract
Under the Community Membership Contract, the Community Member has the right to the following Services during the period determined by the Contract:
- Free participation at Community Events;
- use of all Other Services for a discounted usage fee indicated in the Price List.
3.2. 1K Community Membership Contract
Under the 1K Community Membership Contract, the Community Member has the right to the following Services during the period determined by the Contract:
- Free participation at Community Events;
- use of all Other Services for a discounted usage fee indicated in the Price List.
Under the 1K Community Membership Contract, the Community Member has the right to the following Services on the one day during the period determined by the Contract:
- proper use (primarily for work purposes) of the common areas of the Community Office and of the office furniture contained therein under the terms of the present GTC;
- Wi-Fi Internet access and use of electricity;
- use of kitchen equipment and washrooms;
- use of flipcharts.
3.3. Half-day Pass, Day Pass
The Community Member purchasing a Half-day Pass or Day Pass has the right to the following Services during the period determined by the purchased pass:
- proper use (primarily for work purposes) of the common areas of the Community Office and of the office furniture contained therein under the terms of the present GTC;
- Wi-Fi Internet access and use of electricity;
- use of kitchen equipment and washrooms;
- use of flipcharts;
- free participation at Community Events;
- use of all Other Services for a discounted usage fee indicated in the Price List.
3.4. 4K Contract, 8K Contract, 13K Contract
Under the 4K Contract, 8K Contract and 13K Contract, the Community Member has the right to the following Services on the number of days determined by the type of concluded Contract:
- proper use (primarily for work purposes) of the common areas of the Community Office and of the office furniture contained therein under the terms of the present GTC;
- Wi-Fi Internet access and use of electricity;
- use of kitchen equipment and washrooms;
- use of flipcharts;
- free participation at Community Events;
- use of free workstations available in the FIXIE space of KAPTÁR Classic (by the use of access cards received and handed in at the end of the day by the Community Member);
- introduction in the newsletter issued by KAPTÁR and forwarded free of charge, and on the Website of KAPTÁR;
- use of all Other Services for a discounted usage fee indicated in the Price List.
3.5. Monthly Contract
Under the Monthly Contract, the Community Member has the right to the following Services during the fixed period of the Contract:
- proper use (primarily for work purposes) of the common areas of the Community Office and of the office furniture contained therein under the terms of the present GTC;
- Wi-Fi Internet access and use of electricity;
- use of kitchen equipment and washrooms;
- use of flipcharts;
- free participation at Community Events;
- use of free workstations available in the FIXIE space of KAPTÁR Classic (by the use of access cards received and handed in at the end of the day by the Community Member);
- organisation of own community events in the Community Office;
- introduction in the newsletter issued by KAPTÁR and forwarded free of charge, and on the Website of KAPTÁR;
- use of all Other Services for a discounted usage fee indicated in the Price List.
3.6. FIXIE Contract
Under the FIXIE Contract, the Community Member has the right to the following Services until the termination of the Contract:
- proper use (primarily for work purposes) of the common areas of the Community Office and of the office furniture contained therein under the terms of the present GTC;
- Wi-Fi Internet access and use of electricity;
- use of kitchen equipment and washrooms;
- use of flipcharts;
- free participation at Community Events;
- organisation of own community events in the Community Office;
- exclusive use of the Community Member’s own workstations located in the FIXIE Space;
- Allowing a natural person he/she designates to use, as a guest, the Community Member’s own workstation located in the FIXIE Space for a total of 2 (two) hours between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM weekdays, without the purchase of a Guest Ticket;
- use of FIXIE phone booths;
- introduction in the newsletter issued by KAPTÁR and forwarded free of charge, and on the Website of KAPTÁR;
- use of all Other Services for a discounted usage fee indicated in the Price List.
3.7. Meeting Room Service Contract
Under the Meeting Room Service Contract, the Customer has the right to exclusively use the meeting room he/she requests by e-mail or indicated verbally (event space, XL, L, M, S, XS meeting rooms), and for the time confirmed by KAPTÁR.
3.8. Business Address Service Contract
Under the Business Address Service Contract, the Customer has the right to the following Services until the termination of the Contract:
- exclusive use of the registered, lockable document storage facility located in the basement under KAPTÁR Classic;
- proper use (primarily for work purposes) of the common areas of the Community Office and of the office furniture contained therein weekdays between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM;
- Wi-Fi Internet access and use of electricity weekdays between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM;
- use of kitchen equipment and washrooms weekdays between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM;
- use of flipcharts weekdays between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM.
In addition to the above, under the Business Address Service Contract, the Customer may use any of the following meeting rooms of the Community Office free of charge for 1 (one) hour each month: Classic XS, Classic S. The provisions of paragraph 2.2. of the GTC are applicable to the reservation of the selected meeting room.
Services under the Business Address Service Contract – not including the use of a meeting room once a month – may only be used by the senior official of the Customer, or by up to 2 (two) senior officials designated by the Customer in case of more than two executive officers.
Under the Business Address Service Contract, the Customer may at its discretion indicated at the time of the conclusion of the Contract state the address of KAPTÁR Classic (1065 Budapest, Révay köz 4.) as the registered place (seat, place of business, branch office) of its activity in the registries of the competent authorities. If the Customer states the address of KAPTÁR in the register of the competent authority as a seat, KAPTÁR shall arrange for the display of the Customer’s company sign, which is clearly visible from a public area, in accordance with relevant legal requirements. Customer has the right to state the address of KAPTÁR as a seat in the register of the competent authority only if it corresponds to the address of its central administration (decision-making). In such a case, Customer shall store 1 (one) original copy of the documents to be kept at the seat under applicable laws on the premises of KAPTÁR, in the lockable document storage facility made available to the Customer. If the Customer stated the address of KAPTÁR in the register managed by the competent authority as the place of its activity, KAPTÁR shall notify the Customer by electronic means within 120 (one hundred and twenty) minutes of any administrative measures or checks to be carried in the absence of the Customer. Customer acknowledges that in such case, KAPTÁR has no right to prevent such administrative measures or checks.
If the Customer also wishes to give authorisation for the receipt of postal items addressed to it under the Business Address Service Contract, it shall also make available to KAPTÁR the relevant, regularly filled out authorisation simultaneously with the conclusion of the Business Address Service Contract, and to renew the same within 15 (fifteen) days from the request of KAPTÁR by signing a new authorisation. Upon authorisation given for the receipt of postal items, the Customer shall specify in the Business Address Service Contract a postal address and/or e-mail address through which it can be continuously reached, and indicate any changes thereto without delay, but no later than within 3 (three) days. Upon authorisation given for the receipt of postal items, KAPTÁR shall notify the Customer by electronic means within 120 (one hundred and twenty) minutes of any mail delivered to the Customer (or notification of attempted delivery) and shall store such mail until its receipt by the Customer in person together with notification given of receipt. Customer acknowledges that in such a case, pursuant to rules relating to the delivery of official documents, the date of delivery of postal items is the date of receipt by KAPTÁR, irrespective of the time at which Customer becomes aware of the arrival of post or of the time at which he/she/it receives it from KAPTÁR.
3.9. Seat Service Contract
Under the Seat Service Contract, KAPTÁR shall allow the Customer to provide the address of KAPTÁR Classic (1065 Budapest, Révay köz 4.) as seat (registered office) in the registry managed by the competent authority for an indefinite period. In addition, KAPTÁR shall provide for the mounting of the company sign of the Customer, which is clearly visible from a public area, in accordance with applicable legal requirements, and for the safe storage and availability of company documents provided by the Customer, kept separately from other documents, to be kept at the seat of the company under applicable legal requirements, based on the delivery and acceptance protocol. A Seat Service Contract may be concluded only if the executive officer of the Customer, signing the Seat Service Contract, simultaneously duly authorises KAPTÁR to accept service on its behalf in accordance with Section 31 of Act V of 2006 on Public Company Information, Company Registration and Winding-up Proceedings.
Simultaneously with the conclusion of the Seat Service Contract, the Customer shall make available to KAPTÁR the original copy of its company documents in effect (at least its deed of foundation, the authentic specimen signature of the person – authorised to represent the Customer – involved in the conclusion of the Seat Service Contract, and – if applicable – the list of shareholders), its administrative licenses and permits, documents relating to its data submission obligations vis-à-vis the tax authority, and the original copy of its statutory annual report, and make available such additional instruments upon any changes therein. Under the Seat Service Contract, KAPTÁR shall receive only the documents referred to above; the handover of other documents or movable property is not possible. KAPTÁR shall keep an itemised and up-to-date document register on documents received under the Seat Service Contract. Customer shall report data relating to the seat service to the state tax authority, and the fact of the authorisation of KAPTÁR to accept service by the executive officer to the authority managing the register.
Customer shall make available to KAPTÁR the relevant, regularly filled out authorisation relating to the receipt of postal items received in its name simultaneously with the conclusion of the Seat Service Contract, and to renew the same within 15 (fifteen) days from the request of KAPTÁR by signing a new authorisation. Customer shall further, if applicable, report to the registration authority an address other than the registered office as the place of central administration simultaneously with the reporting of the new registered office. The Customer shall specify in the Seat Service Contract a postal address and/or e-mail address through which it can be continuously reached, and indicate any changes thereto without delay, but no later than within 3 (three) days. Under the Seat Service Contract, KAPTÁR shall notify the Customer by electronic means within 120 (one hundred and twenty) minutes of any mail (or notification of attempted delivery) received at the reported registered office, or of any administrative measures or checks relating to the reported registered office. Customer acknowledges that in the latter case, KAPTÁR has no right to prevent such administrative measures or checks. KAPTÁR shall store postal items received in its name – in addition to sending notification of receipt – until received in person by the Customer. Customer acknowledges that in such a case, pursuant to rules relating to the delivery of official documents, the date of delivery of postal items is the date of receipt by KAPTÁR, irrespective of the time at which Customer becomes aware of the arrival of post or of the time at which he/she/it receives it from KAPTÁR.
3.10. Postal Address Service Contract
Under the Postal Address Service Contract, KAPTÁR shall allow the Customer to indefinitely use the address of KAPTÁR Classic (H-1065 Budapest, Révay köz 4.) as a postal address for conducting business or for communication related thereto. Customer does not have the right to register the postal address used under the Postal Address Service Contract as the address of its place of business (e.g. registered office, site, branch office) in a registry managed by the competent authority, and the company sign showing the Customer will accordingly not be mounted.
Customer shall make available to KAPTÁR the relevant, regularly filled out authorisation relating to the receipt of postal items simultaneously with the conclusion of the Postal Address Service Contract, and to renew the same within 15 (fifteen) days from the request of KAPTÁR by signing a new authorisation. The Customer shall specify in the Postal Address Service Contract a postal address and/or e-mail address through which it can be continuously reached, and indicate any changes thereto without delay, but no later than within 3 (three) days.
Under the Postal Address Service Contract, KAPTÁR shall notify the Customer by electronic means within 120 (one hundred and twenty) minutes of any mail delivered to the Customer (or notification of attempted delivery) and shall store such mail until its receipt by the Customer in person. Customer acknowledges that in such a case, pursuant to rules relating to the delivery of official documents, the date of delivery of postal items is the date of receipt by KAPTÁR, irrespective of the time at which Customer becomes aware of the arrival of post or of the time at which he/she/it receives it from KAPTÁR.
3.11. Other Services
KAPTÁR shall provide the following Other Services to Customers with a valid Contract for service fees indicated in the Price List:
- use of lockable document storage facilities;
- use of projector;
- printing and scanning;
- purchase of Guest Ticket.
The Community Member concluding a 4K Contract, 8K Contract or 13K Contract may at any time extend the validity of the Contract – before the expiry thereof – once for an additional 30 (thirty) days for a discounted service fee indicated in the Price List; the extension shall not affect the number of available days under the originally concluded Contract.
The Community Member concluding a 4K Contract, 8K Contract or 13K Contract may purchase a Day Pass for a discounted service fee indicated in the Price List after use of days available under the Contract, but before the 30 (thirty) day deadline from the conclusion of the Contract.
3.12. 0-24 hour entry
KAPTÁR shall allow Community Members concluding a FIXIE Contract to enter the Community Office any time (i.e. before 8:00 AM and after 8:00 PM on business days, and 0-24 hours on public holidays). By payment of a separate service fee indicated in the Price List, Community Members concluding a Monthly Contract shall be entitled to enter the Community Office any time (i.e. 0-24 hours) on the days of use determined by their Contract. KAPTÁR shall grant the electronic key referred to in paragraph 4.2. to the Community Member simultaneously with the conclusion of the Contract and/or the purchase of the extra service. Upon termination of the Contract, the electronic key are automatically invalidated. The 0-24 hour right of entry under this paragraph may be exercised by the Community Member only in person; he/she has no right to allow other Community Members or other third parties to enter the premises of the Community Office. Upon breach of any obligation under this paragraph, the Community Member shall assume full and unlimited liability for damages.
4.1. Regular exercise of rights
In the course of exercising his/her rights conferred under the Contract, the Community Member shall act in full compliance with the rules of law and the House Rules, in accordance with the requirements of the regular exercise of rights and in observance of the legitimate interests of the other Customers of KAPTÁR.
4.2. Entry facilitating phone application
KAPTÁR shall allow Community Members concluding any 24/7 access FLEXIE Contract or FIXIE Contract who own a technically suitable mobile phone, to use the phone application that facilitates entry to the Community Office. As a condition of use, the Community Member and/or the natural person designated for using the Service must install the KISI application on their mobile phones. KAPTÁR shall not be liable for any possible damage resulting from the installation or use of the application; the terms of contract of the application developer service provider, KISI Inc. (New Lab, Building 128, 63 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11205), are applicable to installation and the terms of use. KAPTÁR shall make available to the Community Member the electronic key necessary for entry after the appropriate installation of the application. Upon termination of the Contract, the electronic key is simultaneously automatically invalidated. The Community Member shall keep the above electronic key during the entire term of the Contract and prevent access to it by unauthorised persons. Upon loss of the electronic key or its access by unauthorised persons, the Community Member shall send immediate notification to KAPTÁR. Upon breach of any obligation under this paragraph, the Community Member shall assume full and unlimited liability for damages.
4.3. Deposit
Community Members concluding a 24/7 FLEXIE or FIXIE Contract shall pay to KAPTÁR an amount corresponding to 1 (one) month’s service fee of the Contract they conclude – by means of payment identical to that of the first payment of the service fee – under the title of deposit (security), simultaneously with the payment of the first service fee.
Customers concluding a Business Address Service Contract, Seat Service Contract or Postal Address Service Contract shall pay to KAPTÁR an amount corresponding to 2 (two) month’s service fee of the Contract they conclude – by means of payment identical to that of the first payment of the service fee – under the title of deposit (security), simultaneously with the payment of the first service fee.
KAPTÁR holds an unlimited right to directly satisfy any overdue claims outstanding against the Customer with the amount of the deposit. Upon the use of the partial or full amount of the deposit, the Customer shall top up his/her amount of deposit to the full amount determined in the GTC within 8 (eight) days from receipt of the notice sent by KAPTÁR. Upon the increase of the service fee serving as a basis for the calculation of the deposit, the Customer shall top up his/her amount of deposit to the full amount based on the modified service fee within 8 (eight) days from receipt of the notice sent by KAPTÁR. The decrease of the service fee serving as a basis for the calculation of the deposit shall not affect the amount of deposit payable by the Customer. KAPTÁR shall repay the full amount of the deposit to the Customer not used for the satisfaction of claims against the Customer within 15 (fifteen) days from the termination of the relevant Contract. KAPTÁR does not pay interest on the amount of the deposit.
4.4. Suspension of services
If the Customer fails to fulfil any outstanding payment obligation to KAPTÁR by the available payment deadline, KAPTÁR has the right to unilaterally suspend the performance of its contractual services also to the Customer with a valid Contract. KAPTÁR shall in each case inform the Customer of the suspension of its services in accordance with this point via e-mail, including the specific reason for the suspension of services. Suspension under this point shall cease automatically by fulfilment of the outstanding payment obligation giving cause to suspension.
4.5. Use of any photo- and video materials recorded in the Community Office for promotional and marketing purposes
By entering the Community Office, Customer and/or any person using KAPTÁR’s Services with a Guest Ticket specifically consents without any further restrictions by way of a tacit acceptance that KAPTÁR records photo- or video materials of Customer on the premises of the Community Office and uses such materials recorded for the purpose of promoting and marketing its Services. Further to the above, if such recordings are indeed applied, then the persons appearing on such recordings are not entitled to any respective copyright or other fees.
5.1. Usage and service fees
The Customer shall pay usage and/or service fees for the Services and Other Services based on the Price List in effect at the time of the conclusion of the relevant Contract. Prices indicated in the Price List are exclusive of value added tax.
A Customer concluding a Meeting Room Service Contract shall pay the fee determined in the Price List for use of meeting rooms on business days between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM, and 120% of the fee determined in the Price List for use of meeting rooms falling outside of the above period.
5.2. Billing
After purchase of the Half-day Pass or Day Pass, conclusion of any FLEXIE Contract, or after a request for the use of Other Services (indicated verbally or by implied conduct), KAPTÁR shall issue to the Customer, without delay, the invoice containing the fee of the desired Services or Other Services.
In respect of a FIXIE Contract the invoice is issued on the basis of 30 (thirty) day settlement periods in accordance with this paragraph, but upon conclusion of the Contract, the Community Member also has the right to choose a 90 (ninety), 180 (one hundred and eighty) or 360 (three hundred and sixty) day settlement period. The settlement period commences on the date of the conclusion of the Contract, otherwise on the day following the last day of the previous settlement period. KAPTÁR has the right to issue an invoice relating to the given settlement period from the first day of each settlement period.
In respect of a Business Address Service Contract, Seat Service Contract or Postal Address Contract, KAPTÁR shall issue the invoice containing the fee of service for the first full calendar month or possibly for the preceding fraction of a month simultaneously with the signing of the Contract; it may issue invoices relating to subsequent calendar months after the 1st (first) day of the relevant month. Upon conclusion of the Contract the Customer has the right to choose a quarterly, semi-annual or annual settlement period, in which case KAPTÁR shall issue the invoice containing the fee of service for the first 3 (three), 6 (six) or 12 (twelve) calendar months or possibly for the preceding fraction of a month simultaneously with the signing of the Contract; it may issue invoices relating to subsequent 3 (three), 6 (six) or 12 (twelve) month periods after the 1st (first) day of the relevant month.
In respect of a Meeting Room Service Contract, KAPTÁR shall issue the invoice containing the usage fee prior to the use of the meeting room in relation to advance reservation, and after the use of the meeting room if no advance reservation is made.
Upon entering into a Contract with respect to the Services and Other services, Customer has the right to define if the currency of payment shall be Forints or Euros in writing (email accepted). KAPTÁR shall issue respective invoices in the currency defined by the Customer.
As a general rule, KAPTÁR shall issue the invoice containing the fee of service or use under the Contract, and possibly the fee of subsequent Other Services either as an electronic invoice within the meaning of Section 175 of Act CXXVII of 2007 on Value Added Tax or, upon the relevant request of the Customer, as a paper document. With respect to Community Membership and 1K Community Membership Contracts, Customer shall accept and KAPTÁR shall only issue electronic invoices.
If any modification is necessary in relation to an invoice already issued by KAPTÁR, for reasons not attributable to KAPTÁR, Customer shall pay any fees based on the Price List in effect on the date of modification to KAPTÁR.
5.3. Deadlines and means of payment
When purchasing a Half-day Pass or Day Pass, or concluding a 4K Contract, 8K Contract or 13K Contract, the Community Member shall pay the service fee in cash, with a bank card or through an online payment gateway simultaneously with the purchase of the pass or the conclusion of the Contract.
In respect of Community Membership and 1K Community Membership Contracts, Customer shall pay the service fee exclusively via bank card via online payment platform upon purchase.
In respect of a Monthly Contract, the Community Member shall pay the service fee within 5 (five) days from the conclusion of the Contract in cash, with a bank card, through an online payment gateway or by transfer to the Bank Account of KAPTÁR.
In respect of the automatic renewal of the Coworking Contract, the Community Member shall pay the service fee within 5 (five) days from the date of the invoice in cash, with a bank card, through an online payment gateway or by transfer to the Bank Account of KAPTÁR.
In respect of a FIXIE Contract, the Community Member shall pay the service fee due for the settlement period referred to in paragraph 5.2. within 8 (eight) days from the first day of the settlement period in cash, with a bank card, through an online payment gateway or by transfer to the Bank Account of KAPTÁR.
In respect of a Business Address Service Contract, Seat Service Contract or Postal Address Contract, the Community Member shall pay the due service fee within 8 (eight) days from issue of the invoice in cash, with a bank card or by transfer to the Bank Account of KAPTÁR.
In respect of a Meeting Room Service Contract, the Customer shall pay the due usage fee simultaneously with the conclusion of the Contract, or after use of the meeting room, in cash, with a bank card or through an online payment gateway.
Provisions relating to the payment of the modified invoice are in each case applicable to the method and deadline for the payment of the invoice modification fee.
5.4. Payment obligation
The Customer shall pay the regularly issued invoice of KAPTÁR in the currency of the invoice by the given payment deadline. If payment is made in other foreign currencies, the Customer shall bear additional costs arising from exchange.
The option of online payment via bank card through an online payment gateway can only be chosen by Customer in case of receipt of an electronic invoice. Customer can indicate its intent to pay online via bank card on the Website or electronic/online interface or the website of KAPTÁR’s electronic invoicing system, upon which request, the system will automatically navigate Customer to the electronic of KAPTÁR’s electronic payment service provider partner Barion Payment Zrt. (1117 Budapest, Infopark sétány 1. I. ép. 5. em. 5.). Customer is permitted to use the online payment process only on condition he/she accepts the online payment general terms and conditions as well as the privacy statement of the electronic payment service provider. Any Customer choosing the online payment option can opt for an automatic payment process of any future invoices issued to Customer by KAPTÁR on the online payment surface of the online payment service provider, in which case, the settlement of any invoice entering the payment funnel will be processed 6 (six) hours following the issuance of the invoice without any specific action taken by Customer. Customer can cancel the automatic payment process setup anytime on the online payment surface of the online payment service provider. KAPTÁR cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from the online bank card payment process and respective automatic payment process. With respect to the online payment process as well the automatic payment process chosen and applied by Customer, the contracting terms and conditions of the online payment service provider shall always prevail and are applicable, and the use and protection of any respective data in connection of such services shall fall under the privacy policy of such online payment provider.
Community Membership or 1K Community Membership Contracts can only be concluded if Customer allows the automatic payment option on the electronic payment service platform upon payment of the first invoice for these Services.
If choosing payment by bank transfer, the payment obligation of the Customer is deemed to be fulfilled on the day on which the given amount is credited to the Bank Account of KAPTÁR.
In the event of late payment, for each day of default KAPTÁR shall be entitled to default interest in an amount stipulated in Section 6:48 of the Civil Code in respect of natural persons, and in Section 6:155 of the Civil Code in respect of legal persons or other organisations.
6.1. Expiry of fixed term
The Contract shall be terminated upon expiry of the fixed term determined under the Terms and Definitions, but the FLEXIE Contract shall be automatically renewed as a new Contract for an additional fixed term corresponding to the previous period, under conditions detailed in point 2.7. The Contract may be terminated during the fixed period only on grounds and by means set out in this chapter.
6.2. Cancellation of the Coworking Contract during the trial period
The Community Member has the right to cancel his/her Coworking Contract without justification, in writing, with immediate effect during the 5 (five) business day trial period from the date of its conclusion, but on the day after the date of conclusion at the earliest.
Upon cancellation by the Community Member with immediate effect within the meaning of this paragraph, KAPTÁR shall be entitled to the proportionate amount of the service fee under the Coworking Contract charged for actual use by the Community Member, provided it shall repay to the Community Member any amounts he/she may have paid in excess within 15 (fifteen) days from the termination of the Coworking Contract. Upon cancellation of the individual Coworking Contracts under this paragraph, the amount of service fees payable to or withheld by KAPTÁR shall be determined as follows:
- in respect of the Community Membership Contract, one-thirtieth of the service fee payable under the Contract, multiplied by the number of days on which the Community Member had actually received any Service of KAPTÁR;
- in respect of the 1K Community Membership Contract, one-sixtieth of the service fee payable under the Contract, multiplied by the number of days on which the Community Member had actually received any Service of KAPTÁR, or half of the service fee if the Services if Customer has already used the Services in connection to the 1 (one) day under the Contract;
- in respect of the 4K Contract, one quarter of the service fee payable under the Contract, multiplied by the number of days on which the Community Member had actually received any Service of KAPTÁR;
- in respect of the 8K Contract, one-eighth of the service fee payable under the Contract, multiplied by the number of days on which the Community Member had actually received any Service of KAPTÁR;
- in respect of the 13K Contract, one-thirteenth of the service fee payable under the Contract, multiplied by the number of days on which the Community Member had actually received any Service of KAPTÁR;
- In respect of the Monthly Contract, one-thirtieth of the service fee payable under the Contract, multiplied by the number days transpired of the Monthly Contract’s fixed term until the termination of the Contract;
- In respect of the FIXIE Contract, one-thirtieth of the service fee payable under Contract in relation to the settlement period referred to in paragraph 5.2., multiplied by the number days transpired of the first settlement period until the termination of the Contract.
6.3. Cancellation caused by breach of contract
The blameless Party has the right to cancel the Contract with immediate effect if the other Party has committed a serious breach of contract by failure to fulfil any of its material contractual obligations, or by not performing in accordance with the Contract, or as a result of its behaviour vis-à-vis the blameless Party, and the latter Party cannot be reasonably expected to continue to perform the Contract.
KAPTÁR has the right to cancel the Contract with immediate effect under this paragraph particularly but not exclusively if:
- the Customer is late in fulfilling any of its payment obligations by more than 8 (eight) days;
- the Customer – or a natural person it designates for the use of Services – causes damage to KAPTÁR or to other Customers of KAPTÁR by intentional behaviour.
- Customer fails to fulfil any of its obligations it undertakes under the Contract, under this GTC.
Customer has the right to cancel the Contract with immediate effect under this paragraph particularly but not exclusively if:
- KAPTÁR does not provide the Services under the Contract for a period of more than 2 (two) hours in respect of the Half-day Pass, Day Pass, or for more than 48 (forty-eight) hours in respect of other Coworking Contracts without good reason or external circumstances;
- KAPTÁR does not begin taking measures to remedy the well-grounded causes or external circumstances obstructing or preventing the provision of Services under the Contract within 2 (two) hours in respect of the Half-day Pass, Day Pass, or within 48 (forty-eight) hours in respect of other Coworking Contracts.
Upon cancellation by KAPTÁR with immediate effect under this paragraph, KAPTÁR is entitled to the full amount of the usage and/or service fee under the Contract – due for the current settlement period upon the cancellation of an indefinite term contract – and may claim compensation for any damage it suffers.
Upon cancellation by the Customer under this paragraph, KAPTÁR shall reimburse the prorated amount of the usage and/or service fee under the Contract within 15 (fifteen) days from the termination of the Contract, and the Customer may claim compensation for any damage it suffers, provided that in such a case, the amount of compensation may not exceed the amount of consideration determined in the Contract concluded, then cancelled by the Customer.
6.4. Cancellation of indefinite term Contracts
Either Party may cancel the FIXIE Contract with at least 30 (thirty) days’ notice by unilateral written statement, without giving reason, effective the last day of the 30 (thirty) day settlement period referred to in paragraph 5.2.
Either Party may cancel the Business Address Service Contract, Seat Service Contract and Postal Address Contract with at least 30 (thirty) days’ notice by unilateral written statement, without giving reason, by the last day of the calendar month.
6.5. Withdrawal from the FIXIE Contract
The Customer concluding a FIXIE Contract may withdraw from the Contract free of charge for 7 (seven) days after the conclusion of the Contract, in which case KAPTÁR shall repay the full amount of the already paid service fee and the deposit to the Customer within 8 (eight) days from the notification of withdrawal.
6.6. Withdrawal from the Meeting Room Service Contract
A Customer concluding a Meeting Room Service Contract may cancel the Contract free of charge no later than 1 (one) week before the reserved time in respect of meeting rooms reserved more than 1 (one) week in advance, and within 12 (twelve) hours from conclusion of the Contract in respect of meeting rooms reserved less than 1 (one) week in advance. In the event of withdrawal indicated after the above deadline or withdrawal relating to meeting rooms reserved less than 12 (twelve) hours in advance, Customer shall pay the full usage fee under the Contract, but after payment of such amount, it shall be credited to the fee of the new Contract concluded by the Customer.
6.7. Provisions relating to the termination of specific Contracts
Upon the termination of the Business Address Service Contract for any reason, the possible authorisation relating to the receipt of postal items, received in the name of the Customer, shall at the same time automatically become void.
If under the Business Address Service Contract, the Customer stated the address of KAPTÁR Classic as the place (seat, place of business, branch office) of its activity in the register containing its public data (company register in relation to companies), and the Customer does not arrange for the deletion of the address of KAPTÁR Classic as the place (seat, place of business, branch office) of its activity in the register containing its public data (company register in relation to companies) within 30 (thirty) days from termination of the Business Address Service Contract, KAPTÁR has the right to notify the authority (court of registration in respect of companies) managing the register and carrying out statutory supervision for taking the necessary measures.
Upon the termination of the Business Address Service Contract for any reason, the authorisation given by the executive officer of the Customer to KAPTÁR to accept service on its behalf shall terminate automatically, while the authorisation relating to the receipt of postal items sent to the name of the Customer shall become automatically void.
If the Customer does not arrange for the deletion of the address of KAPTÁR Classic, as seat address, and the fact of the authorisation of KAPTÁR by the executive officer to accept service on its behalf from the public register (company register in respect of companies) containing its data within 30 (thirty) days from termination of the Seat Service Contract, KAPTÁR has the right to notify the authority (court of registration in respect of companies) managing the register and carrying out statutory supervision for taking the necessary measures.
Upon termination of the Seat Service Contract, KAPTÁR shall hand over the documents received under the Contract to the Customer, together with the related document register.
Upon termination of the Postal Address Service Contract for any reason, the authorisation relating to the receipt of postal items, received in the name of the Customer, shall at the same time automatically become void.
KAPTÁR shall assume liability only for Services it directly and continuously provides in the appropriate quality and at the standards specified in the present GTC. In respect of indirect services provided with the involvement of third parties, after notification by the Customer, KAPTÁR agrees to take the necessary steps without delay to resolve any problems arising in relation to the availability or quality of service. If the third party involved does not remedy the above problems within a reasonable period of time, or the frequency of the same problem prevents the use of the service concerned, KAPTÁR shall engage a different assistant for providing the service, if necessary.
Save for cases of damage caused intentionally or by gross negligence, KAPTÁR shall not be liable for any damage caused in the property or other equipment of the Community Member brought into or stored in the Community Office.
KAPTÁR shall not be liable for the behaviour of third parties using the Community Office. KAPTÁR shall apply the legal consequences under the present GTC against Customers in breach of their Contract or the House Rules.
KAPTÁR shall be relieved of all legal consequences resulting from failure to perform or from late performance of its obligations under the Contract if such failure or delay is the result of force majeure. An event of force majeure shall be deemed any extraordinary event occurring after the conclusion of the Contract, not foreseeable or preventable by KAPTÁR within its control, which is not attributable to its own fault or negligence; such events are in particular, but not limited to war, revolution, strike, fire, flood, epidemic, acts of God, earthquakes etc.
Upon occurrence of an event of force majeure preventing the performance of the Contract, KAPTÁR shall notify without delay Customers with a valid Contract of the event and cause, and expected duration of force majeure. In the event of force majeure the deadlines under the Contract shall be automatically extended with the duration thereof.
Upon an event of force majeure of a duration of more than 15 (fifteen) days in respect of a Half-day Pass, Day Pass, or 90 (ninety) days in respect of other Contracts, the Customer has the right to cancel the Contract and is entitled to the reimbursement of the prorated amount of the already paid usage and/or service fee.
9.1. Contact
The Parties shall maintain contact primarily by means of electronic correspondence (e-mail). The Customer shall specify an electronic mail address in the Contract through which he/she/it can be continuously reached, and notify KAPTÁR without delay of any changes thereto. Electronic address of KAPTÁR: hello@kaptarbudapest.hu. If electronic communication between the Parties is conducted through the above specified e-mail addresses, statements and notifications sent by such means shall be deemed given in writing and notified on the day of successful delivery. The Parties expressly affirm that the notification of amendments to and termination of the Contract by the above means is also acceptable.
Both Parties have the right to communicate any statement or notification by confirmation of postal delivery instead of the above electronic form. The Customer shall specify its registered address in the Contract through which he/she/it can be continuously reached by post, and shall notify KAPTÁR without delay of any changes thereto. With regard to Customers who are a legal person or other organisation, who transfer their registered office to the Community Office under a Business Address Service Contract or Seat Service Contract concluded with KAPTÁR, the address of any other place of operation (e.g. place of business, branch office, central administration location etc.) registered by the registration authority on the date of postage and the residential address of any executive officer registered on the date of postage are deemed to be a postal address within the meaning of this paragraph. With regard to Customers who are a natural person, who transfer their registered office to the Community Office under a Business Address Service Contract or Seat Service Contract concluded with KAPTÁR, the residential address of the Customer registered on the date of postage in the address register is deemed to be a postal address within the meaning of this paragraph. Postal address of KAPTÁR: H-1065 Budapest, Révay köz 4. Statements and notifications sent by post to the other Party – addressed in accordance with the above – are deemed to be delivered at the time of receipt stated on the return receipt, or on the 5th (fifth) business day from the date of the unsuccessful delivery attempt, if not received.
9.2. Communication of the GTC
By conclusion of the Contract, the Customer declares that by publishing the text of the GTC in effect on the Website and by the posting thereof on the notice board KAPTÁR has allowed the Customer to access the contents of the GTC prior to the conclusion of the Contract.
At the time of the conclusion of the Contract, the Customer shall declare that he/she/it requests the text of the GTC, which he/she/it accessed in advance and expressly accepted by conclusion of the Contract, in effect at the time of the conclusion of the Contract to be provided on paper or in an electronic format.
9.3. Amendment of the GTC
KAPTÁR has the right to unilaterally amend the present GTC at any time. The amended GTC shall take effect on the date specified on the cover sheet, which, however, may not be earlier than the amended GTC’s date of publication on the Website and on the Notice Board. The amendments – with the exceptions below – are applicable in respect of Contracts concluded after the effective date thereof. With regard to the automatic renewal of FLEXIE Contracts, KAPTÁR shall send to the Customers concerned the amended text of the GTC as an attachment of the warning e-mail – referred to in paragraph 2.7. – sent on the day preceding the date of first renewal following the effective date of the amendments.
Upon amendment of the House Rules, the provisions of the amended House Rules are also applicable in respect of already concluded Contracts. In respect of the above, upon amendment of the House Rules, KAPTÁR shall send – by electronic means – the amended text of the House Rules to Customers with a Contract valid on the effective date of the amended House Rules at least 8 (eight) days prior to the entry into force thereof.
9.4. Applicable law
The provisions of Hungarian law are applicable to the present GTC and to the particular Contracts, and to any matters not regulated therein.
In the event of any discrepancies between a provision of the present GTC and a term of a Contract, the latter is applicable to the legal relationship established between the Parties.
9.5. Jurisdiction
The Central District Court of Buda shall have exclusive jurisdiction to decide disputes subject to property law – falling within the competence of the district court on the basis of the given value limit – relating to the conclusion, validity, effect, interpretation, performance, termination and breach of all Contracts under the present GTC, and to the rights and obligations of the Parties arising therefrom. The court specified according to the general rules of the prevailing Act on the Code of Civil Procedure has jurisdiction to decide disputes falling within the competence of the tribunal.
9.6. Language
The GTC hereunder has been drawn up in Hungarian and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the Hungarian and English language versions, the provisions of the Hungarian version shall take priority.
Budapest, January 1, 2024
Áron Levendel
Managing Director
Opening hours and accessing the space: KAPTÁR is open every weekday between 8.00am and 8.00pm, you can always expect our help during these times. We’ve made your access to the space easier by the help of a mobile app to be installed on your phone, however we are happy to open the door for you also when you arrive. Of course we recommend you to use the app to be independent from us. In case you find any of the entrances open without any specific reason please close it and let the team know. Also, if you’re having issues with the app, tell us and we’ll help you to resolve any problem.
If you have a 24/7 pass and use the space outside opening hours, please also look out to keep the place tidy and especially pay attention to switching the lights and air-conditioners off plus arming the place properly without anybody left in there!
Emergency exits, fire: In case of any emergencies or fire, use the main entrances to exit KAPTÁR the fastest. If these are not available for any reason, in KAPTÁR Classic, use the emergency exit on the first floor entering the staircase of the house, if in KAPTÁR Happening, use the emergency exit in the Skype room or any of the windows. Follow the emergency exit signs and if you need, you’ll find fire extinguishers (powder or CO2) in each space under the respective signages. Please abstain from any activities (candle, torch, lighter etc.) that can cause fire in KAPTÁR at all times. Just on that note: smoking is also forbidden in KAPTÁR.
Internet: We try to provide fast, safe and highly reliable internet connection in KAPTÁR, but we also appreciate it if you use it so that everybody can have some bandwidth left. Firewall settings block unwanted or banned content, while the download of extra large files is limited but approved. Of course it is nicer not to use up all available net capacities by yourself. In case you have any problem with the connection or quality of the internet, let the KAPTÁR team know so we can investigate the issue.
Meeting rooms: It might be a good idea to book KAPTÁR meeting rooms or event space in advance, to make sure you have an undisturbed meeting or event. Bookings can be made either online (web or mobile app) through our system, over the phone, via email or in person. Your bookings will be automatically charged to your account and will be added to your monthly invoice to make things easier. When you reserve a room, the team will cater you with fresh lemon water and if you needed any additional tools (markers, flipchart, projector, etc.), let us know in advance. Once you’re done with your meeting, we appreciate it if you can arrange the room back to as it was and clean off the whiteboard if needed.
You are very welcome to do your skype- and conference calls in the meeting rooms but for the sake of the community demand, please free up the room for others once you are done. Using a meeting room above an hour incurs a booking fee, such rates are highlighted on our website and booking platforms also. We have specific pricing for external, or non-member bookings, while KAPTARians with memberships can book the rooms at a discount rate including a very favourable hourly rate when booked within the day.
Workstations: KAPTÁR FLEXIE members do not have dedicated desks so if you have a FLEXIE pass, feel free to choose from whichever places are free and settle in comfortably for the day. You can leave anything on your desk during the day, nobody will touch them at KAPTÁR. When leaving, please clean off the desk after yourself. If you needed a place to leave your stuff, we can offer you to rent a locker. The more convenient you are at your desk the better, however please note, that your place ends where the next workstation starts, so we thank you if you pay attention to keep your belongings within your “territory”. If you have too many things, put them in the cloakroom or get that locker, it can always come handy.
KAPTÁR monitors, other accessories: We have several spare monitors in KAPTÁR (with KAPTÁR logo stickers on’em) that you are free to use when you need one. First comes, first served works here also, but please put them back to where you took them from by the end of the day.
If you left your charger at home or missed any cable, adapter, ask us for one, hopefully we can help you out. Only request is that you handle these carefully and bring back what you borrowed because it’s quite expensive to replace what goes missing. If you break something but bring us a new one, that’s the attitude we love!
Printers: Feel free to use the multifunctional printers in KAPTÁR for bw/colour printing or scanning. We can also provide you with cardboard if needed. Your laptop might automatically identify the printer, but you can also add it using its IP address. The IP address is indicated on the printer, while you’ll find our member prices on a board above the printer. If you’d need to print plenty on a regular basis, choose our unlimited monthly package for better discounts. Please let us know if you see any notification that paper or ink is out, and if you need any help with installing or using the machine, the team is happy to help you out.
Guests: You are free to welcome guests in the meeting rooms when booked in advance. If you wish to work with them in the coworking space, please buy a guest ticket or daily-pass for them.
Kids in the space: We are very happy to see your kids or family visit you once in a while in KAPTÁR so they can see where you work. It is also absolutely normal to bring your kid with you when there’s no other option, you don’t need to buy any extra passes for them, we just ask you to keep an eye on them and others can also work in peace.
Fury friends: KAPTÁR is a place that loves animals, so if you have a pet, dog, kitten or anything else that can behave in such a busy place, we are happy to have them. Important is that they do not bother other coworkers and also please look out for and accept if someone is afraid of them.
Our voices in the office – calls, chat: As KAPTÁR is our mutual workspace, please bear in mind to use it with respect to others. You already know that everything is allowed here that doesn’t bother others, so for example, keep your phone’s ringtone quiet, also try to keep your voice lower when making calls in the space and listen to your favorite music so that others don’t need to listen to it too. And while the busy sound of people working in the space is quite likable, don’t wait for us if your neighbour starts to be too loud for you, feel free to let him/her know, as most probably it also pleases others, especially that some naturally louder people often just don’t notice it by themselves that they bother others.
If you have a shorter, few minutes call, feel free to make it in the space, but if it seems to last longer, hop into any of the free meeting rooms or Skype booths. These latter have no limitations, you can stay for longer calls there free of charge unless otherwise indicated by any written signage. There also those, whose work requires regular shorter calls over the period of a workday. They are free to do it in the space of course, but we appreciate it if they can lower their voice in the open space and simply walk into a room when expecting a call to last longer.
Cleanliness and order: KAPTÁR is the place where we work and spend many hours in day by day, so it’s cleanliness and tidiness is equally important to each of us mirroring the standards of us all. The open spaces, kitchens and washrooms are cleaned each day by our cleaning partner, they fill up and replace supplies, empties dustbins and goes over everything more thoroughly over the weekend. Despite our efforts, we appreciate if you can leave everything in order after yourself in the toilets, kitchens or café, through rubbish into the bins and clean up any spilled milk, coffee or food. If you find anything unpleasant or any problems with cleanliness, please let us know so we can forward the issue to our cleaning partner.
Supplies: It’s very important to have everything filled up properly in the café, kitchen or washrooms on a daily basis. If you find anything to be very low or out of stock in the café (sugar, coffee, tea, lemon, milk etc.), kitchen (dishwasher, paper towel, washing sponge, soap, etc.), toilet (toilet paper, towel, soap, etc.) or space (printing paper, etc.), please let the team know, we’ll fill it up immediately.
Kitchen matters: Please wash your dishes or put them in the dishwasher when finished, this helps us to keep the kitchen clean as well to have clean cups, glasses and plates available always. The fridge is there to keep our daily food, drinks or maybe some leftovers from a booking or from our meals stored for the day. Any food left in there for over a week we’ll throw out including containers, so please keep an eye on your cooling stuff too. You can also mark your containers and food/drinks to notify others they are yours or if they are up for sharing. This also helps us to see what we can get rid of at the end of the week.
Café: The reason our café can offer such a high quality selection at such favourable prices is because it operates in a self-service way that of course requires lots of care and trust. We do believe that our community can operate this system in the utmost honest way.
Recycle bins: You’ll find both in KAPTÁR Classic and KAPTÁR Happening sides dedicated recycling bins for paper, plastic/metal and glass. Please use these with care, watch what to throw in which one of them and also wash out any plastic before disposing and also please do not squeeze large cardboards into the smaller container but tell the team and we’ll then carry these over to the large recycling bins of the house next door.
A sip of alcohol: It is absolutely fine to have a drink and relax in KAPTÁR, especially when staying late on an evening with the others on the couch chatting away time. On the other hand, please always bear in mind that others might still need to concentrate on their job next to you. Drunkenness is of course not tolerated in the spaces, so good to know your limits.
Air-conditioning, ventilation and aeration: In a common space, we can cool the place and aerate following common understanding and agreement too. Over the summer, we try to set the air-conditioning to be ideal to the majority (external temperature -5⁰C is recommended), but if you wish to change the temperature, please tell the team and they’ll adjust it as needed. The radiators are also adjustable so if you need to change, also let us know and we’ll do it for you. Please also ask those working around you if they are ok with the change.
Ventilation is continuous in the rooms, but aeration is necessary also on a regular basis, even during winter. We try to make sure this happens as often as needed, but if you feel like it, feel free to pen the door for a few minutes, just make sure a KAPTÁR team member is around and that nobody sitting at the door gets a cold.
Working outside opening hours: For many, working within our regular opening hours of 8.00am to 8.00pm weekdays is not ideal due to their work schedule. We do offer them our 24/7 passes that provide access to KAPTÁR anytime including outside working hours and over the weekends On that note, KAPTÁR is not a dorm or accomodation, please don’t use it so.
Notifications, changes: We try to do our best with the team to inform you all about any daily news that can affect KAPTÁR, your work or any circumstances including changes in our GTC or House Rules on all the channels available. Any questions, recommendations you should have, feel free to let us know.
Safety, lost & found: Safety of ourselves and of our possessions is ensured by an alarm system, remote security monitoring and camera system operating 24/7 in KAPTÁR. Of course, the key to safety is our trust and that we look out for each other and for each others stuff. In case you lost something, suspected a theft or vandalism, or found something that does not seem to belong to anybody, please report to us. Anything we find that does not have an owner is collected and stored in the cloak room of Classic in our “lost & found” box. So if you lost something in KAPTÁR, you’ll definitely find it either when you left it or in this box.
Violating House Rules: The essence of being a community is that we are more effective together, we feel better and care for each other, but there are cases when somebody just does not fit the mutually set and agreed rules and norms. Therefore, in such cases when someone violates these norms and rules defined by the House Rules or our GTC (either once or several times), KAPTÁR reserves the right to unilaterally expel such members from the office and the community with immediate effect. This of course does not mean that we do not intend to communicate and discuss any problems arisen, as we believe that everybody is capable of change, and we also make sure to notify such member both in person and writing about the violation, but we also reserve the right to expel a member if we find it more beneficial for the community.
FIXIE extras
“If silence could speak…”, it would not be called silence. FIXIE is chosen by those who prefer a quiet, calm working environment over a creative commotion. Please contribute to keeping this atmosphere calm and peaceful! This is not about taking a vow of silence — quiet communication between FIXIE members is completely normal. If, however, your phone or Skype call is longer (and louder), please always use our phone booths or meeting rooms! For this same reason, please always close the door of the FIXIE space.
A true FIXIE member grows on the market place and not on its neighbour’s desk. Walls will never be erected between the individual workstations of KAPTÁR, only invisible boundaries. These boundaries, however, should be mutually respected. Please bear in mind that someone else’s FIXIE begins where your FIXIE ends! If you wouldn’t want anyone else intruding into your space, you shouldn’t occupy more and more areas of your neighbour.
Don’t give anyone reason to complain! (#food smell policy) We believe that everyone deserves a few minutes (snack) break even when the workload is heaviest. We therefore ask that you always consume your breakfast/morning snack/lunch/afternoon snack/dinner – leaving a long trail of aroma (which others may consider a smell) – outside of the FIXIE space — in the diner of the community space. Naturally, legal performance enhancers – such as chocolate, pies, fruit, muesli and other odourless delicacies – may be consumed at any time.
Ground floor

Upper Floor