KAPTÁR faces – Precognox team: Gábor Gelencsér and Károly Kása

Gelencsér Gábor, Kása Károly - KAPTÁRarcok - KAPTÁR coworking Budapest

We are the Budapest team of around thirty employees of a software engineering company called Precognox. Our main task within the company is to help clients retrieve quality user data from written text that can be transformed into useful information to the users by way of search and visualization. 

Most important life experience since you became a coworker?

Gábor: Liverpool is nicer and less rainy as it is said to be by many.

Karesz: to experience – as an introvert – again and again, that whenever I speak to somebody I never met before turns out to be something actual and exciting, becomes something interesting and good.

What’s the best part of your job?

Gábor: Getting to try out new software and making them better and more flawless.

Karesz: when I get to see our colleagues develop through participating in projects. The most uplifting result for me is when someone in our team takes higher responsibilities and executes with more independence with each and every new challenge he/she faces compared to his/her previous self.

What do you find the most exciting in new challenges?

Gábor: Discovering the unknown.

Karesz: if under new challenge we understand problems that our clients facing than it is very exciting how we unfold the best solution for the problem and how our clients also start to see and understand that our solution will shortly provide ultimate relief to their “pain”.

Could also share with us in one sentence why you chose KAPTÁR?

Our decision was based on the option that we can find an available, quiet meeting room for our online daily staff meetings. We also like it that we can shift between working seated or standing in the office. Having moved from a dedicated office of ours to KAPTÁR we find it to be a more cost-effective solution, especially now when we are growing by an additional, third software engineer. Plus we enjoy the lively downtown buzz of the city.