KAPTÁR faces – Zsanett Czifrus

Czifrus Zsanett - KAPTÁRarcok - KAPTÁR coworking Budapest

I’m a human with a big smile, chef, traveller & a curious woman who wants to make every meal & ordinary moment sacred. As a business professional, I create structured operations and conscious organisations. As a mindful eating trainer, I teach mindfulness applied for food and eating to nourish body, mind and soul for individuals and groups, both in Berlin and Budapest.  

Why did you choose KAPTÁR?

I wished to be part of an international ecosystem in the heart of Budapest, where I can join a vivid and open community, as well as focus on work in an inspiring environment. KAPTÁR made these all happen. 

Most important life lesson, since you became a coworker?

The role of responsibility for my own time and energy. There is no one else, who tells me how much time should I work or spend in the office (if there is such a place). Once I am here, it’s my choice how do I manage my own resources. In the beginning, I used to get lost in kitchen talks or allow myself to arrive late or on the contrary, stay too late. There are a limited number of decisions, mental and emotional energy available for us in a single day. Today I am more mindful about where and to whom do I gift my attention, including myself in a form of quality me-time. Áron helped me to articulate this in the proper way when I just finished a few minutes of relaxation on a comfy KAPTÁR couch: “You treat yourself well!” At least I make an effort to do so.

What is the best part of your work?

Intimacy. While we practice mindful eating, we share food, experience and the present moment. When during a workshop or 1:1 session I see that someone is so deeply touched by the experience that a lifelong pattern dissolves – it’s precious. I can recognize the AHA-moment and the relief reflected in the eyes. I am grateful witnessing these liberating moments. 

Biggest milestones in your life?

Moves around the world: from Miskolc to the capital, Budapest. Then to Lisbon and to the US. Lately getting acquainted with Europe again. Camping in New-Zealand. Experiencing deep silence in the Himalayan ashram. The relationship with my husband. I do appreciate the seemingly little things too: sending out my first proposal as an entrepreneur or reaching the top on a negative wall in the boulder club. 


