KAPTÁR faces – Csaba Illés

Illés Csaba - KAPTÁRarcok - KAPTÁR coworking Budapest

Csaba has worked as a frontend developer for the past ten years. Then in February, after leaving his last workplace, he started developing mobile games. Now, this is an exciting, scary, creative time in his life.

What have been your funniest/best KAPTÁR moments so far?

Sometimes, the most usual moments are the best: to arrive in the office, the „what’s up, how’s it going?“ with the others, playing with the current dog. But there are also memorable events, like the KAPTÁR bingo night, the Christmas and NYE party, and recently the Mexico night. These are all great memories, which brought me closer to the others.

What are the biggest milestones in your life?

I’ve had a couple, but the last was 2013 when I moved to Malta for 3,5 years. It brought many happy moments, travelling, friends, and opportunities and it widened my horizon on many levels. When I came back home, I kept the contact and worked remotely for more than 2 years for the same company there.

Your most important life experience, since you’ve become a coworker?

That I should have tried much earlier to work from such a place. Here, I could meet tons of inspiring, positive people with a similar mindset. By their example, I can see that people with enough stamina and focus are able to build a successful business.