KAPTÁR faces – Nicole Fu

Born in BC and raised in Singapore, Nicole spent her formative years in Halifax, Tokyo, and Montreal. There, she completed a Mathematics and Statistics degree and worked with tech/startups before leaving to be a digital nomad. Nicole spends her leisure time exploring nature and loves the arts. 

What is your most important life lesson, since you became an entrepreneur/freelancer?

Here’s two. Don’t try to do everything by yourself. Identify bottlenecks e.g. are you struggling with accounting, is it taking too much of your time and mental energy? Get help, outsource. Networking does not work. Planning, researching does not work. Take action.

What is the best part of your job?

As a consultant, I like the variety of my clients and the problems they’re tackling. That, and being a “full-stack” marketer means I get to do something different every day.
I also enjoy being able to choose where and when I work. I plan my schedule around gym classes and calls with clients in different time zones. If it’s sunny out, I may choose not to work at all and spend time outside instead. I also work remotely, which usually sees me changing the city I’m in every month.

What excites you most about new challenges?

The heart-racing fear and anticipation, and the rush once completed or successful. Last year, I failed to learn the ukelele but succeeded in tackling the snowpark and railings on my snowboard. I also launched my passion project, Coffee Collectif, and am learning Python to build a web app around art and travel.

Why did you choose KAPTÁR?

A friend highly recommended KAPTAR, and I was sold. I think I also read good things about it online.