KAPTÁR faces – Gábor Simonyi

Gábor - KAPTÁRarcok - KAPTÁR coworking Budapest

I’ve worked for over 25 years in different areas of marketing, in a variety of constructions. I have already worked for a big multi-agency, a municipal cultural institution and I had my own company as well. I was an owner, a company manager, an employee, a freelancer and a volunteer. I have already tried Levi’s, the Zoo, Wizz Air, Prohibited Radio, BeOnTrips, Michelin, Eco Partner and much more.

And now there’s KAPTÁR, one of the most exciting and likeable topics in the domestic marketing scene. And of course inspiration, motivation, challenge, and so on, but more importantly, I can work with people I like to have a beer with.

What is the best part of your job?

The others. The implication of this profession is that you can meet a lot of very different people. And a significant part of them is not only good professionals but also quite normal.

What are you most proud of your life?

I wrote a classified ad for Vatera that was viewed by over 14,000 people and even the newspapers wrote about it.

What disturbed you most about working from home?

That work “flowed” into everything, dinner, rest, shower, leisure, family. But, before I was gonna win, I stopped it quickly.