KAPTÁR faces – Bálint Kardos

Bálint started out at a multinational company and then switched to being a freelancer. Now he manages his daily work at KAPTÁR and enjoys the company of many exciting people. 🙂

“Similar to every typical generation Y youngster, I grew up with a computer in front of me and a smartphone in my hand – so it was pretty obvious, that I will build my career in the online world. At the moment I do Instagram Growth Hacking and Social Copywriting – I help my clients to monetize their Instagram profiles by storytelling and content marketing.

As an extroverted cat person, I genuinely enjoy the company of unique and exciting people here. Furthermore, my friends’ presence here, and the vicinity of the CatCafe had a major influence on me becoming a KAPTÁRian. :)”

What is the best part of your job?

I mostly enjoy my freedom – I decide with whom, for how much and under what circumstances I work. I’m neither time- nor location-bound.

What did you hate most about working at home?

At home, many things came together. I was alone, spending the whole day in the same space and was very separated from the outer world. I’m a very social person, so I couldn’t handle that for a long time…

What do you love most about challenges?

I started all of this with several years of experience in multinational companies. There they pretty accurately determined, what I have to do and when. So even though I really enjoy and love my current freedom that I experience thanks to my work, it’s also a huge challenge to figure out, how I can manage my time in the most optimal way.