KAPTÁR faces – Zoltán Ratkó

Ratkó Zoltán - KAPTÁRarcok - KAPTÁR coworking Budapest

Meet with a core member of the KAPTÁR community, Zoltán Ratkó, ( designer. He designs the surface of various products using concrete, wood, marble, metal and other materials with a natural texture.

“When I stepped into KAPTÁR, I knew immediately, that I found, what I was looking for in a coworking space.”

What is the most important thing, you’ve learned since you’re a freelancer?

You can reach your goals when you believe and persevere.

What is the best part of your job?

That I can do, what I like to do most, that I can manage my time freely and that I don’t have a boss.

What did you hate most about working at home?

I liked it for a while, that I don’t have to go anywhere, but then I started to lose creativity and productivity. On the long term, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

Why did you choose KAPTÁR?

-First of all, because of the design. I like the interior design just as it is.
-Several friends of mine work nearby, so every day there is someone to have lunch with.
-I love to be in the city centre, and this is right in the heart of it.
-My favourite building in Budapest is just across the street, the Saint Stevens Basilica
-The atmosphere in the office, which I already liked on my first visit. It’s nice to work here.