KAPTÁR faces – Péter Horváth

Meet Péter, this week’s KAPTAR face, who – as project manager of the European Consortium – adds more colour to our community.

“Since February I’m the project manager of the European Consortium, located in Nagykanizsa. I write grant applications and implement projects. I became a KAPTÁR habitant as the company’s only employee in Budapest. I opted for KAPTÁR since an article on Budapest’s best coworking offices wrote great things about it. I also had nice memories of KAPTÁR from December 2012, when one of my old friends, a buddy of Áron, had his farewell party here before he went to France for a year.

Currently, I’m writing a grant application for a university and work on an international project. The latter is about circular economy and consists of 10 Transdanubian countries from Germany to Bulgaria. It tries to put the „take-use-reuse“ principle into practice instead of  „take-make-throw away“. “

What is the best part of your job?

Rather the best part of working here: I’m surrounded by a wide variety of people who work on completely different things. This diversity is very refreshing.

And of course, the dogs who also come into work. 🙂

What was the worst about working at home?

It was an advantage that I did many household chores (Anna, my wife really appreciated it :),  but I spun myself constantly. It didn’t do my psyche good that I had little relations with people.

What was your biggest milestone in life?

The most important is 5th August 2004. I met God in person after 7 long years of search. I experienced in my whole body physically that I am loved perfectly. So I drew my conclusions: If God exists, then everything that is in the Bible is true – there is eternal life, Jesus is alive, and He is the Messiah. So I began a new life. 🙂

Why did you choose KAPTÁR?

I like KAPTÁR because the people who work here do so diverse things. Plus I love to dive into the vivid city life.