An amazing morning with the expert guidance of Dóri and Edvárd exploring the weird and wonderful Bosnyák market.

Our lovely guides and market experts were Dóri és Edvárd. You may remember Dóri from previous posts connecting to zero waste life style:…/for-non-hungarian…/
With a friendly starting time, we’ve met at 9am at the church on Bosnyák square. After a well-used market session with all that delicious food, we continued for a brunch together!
Dóri and Edvárd had been visiting this market every Saturday for over 6 years and during this time we have had plenty of opportunities to discover the best places to shop, which we are happy to share with the KAPTÁR community.
What can you buy here?
? Seasonal vegetables and fruits (incredibly delicious cherries – we have been testing the most delicious for two weeks now)
? Delicious homemade cheeses (parenyica, sheep, goat and whatever you want)
? free range eggs (we know who to buy if from)
? Farm fresh milk, yoghurt, cheese creams in your own container
? Sourdough bread, sweet and savoury pastries and homemade cakes
? vine, apple juice in your own bottle
? seeds and grains
And best of all, we’ll also show you that you can get all of these without using a single piece of disposable packaging.