Check out our newest, hottest spring FIXIE team discount!

The most important details about the FIXIE team table:
 •  ideal for a team of 3-4 persons,
 •  prime location (downtown Budapest, next to Deák),
 •  0-24 access with front desk between 8am to 8pm,
 •  enterprise class IT environment,
 •  unlimited access to all community spaces,
 •  full community membership (events, networking, etc.)

With the arrival of summer, you can rent the FIXIE team table with a 25% discount for the first month you stay with us, which means that the 4th team member gets their membership for free.

Are you looking for a solo workstation where you can store your work tools at your desk 24/7 without a team? Now, we offer you a premier month at KAPTÁR with a 20% discount!  

If you might be interested, because it would be ideal for your team or if there is someone who would kindly recommend us, please write to so we could discuss the further details.

Thank you for sharing and we are excitedly waiting for our new KAPTÁRian FIXIE team!