Learn how to meditate and get to know more on how to be an observer of your own 24/7 internal movie. There’s no need to say that this movie influence your decision making and reactions in a way that you don’t necessary need it. So what do we do about that?

“During my business trainings I always take it as a priority to show the participants, what is it like to be an innocent observer of your thought patterns and emotions.”
To turn inward means that you notice what’s behind all that mind noise that you experience during your day. It means that clear intention to understand what kind of thought influence a given situation.
During a meditation you arrive. Where? Someone say they arrive to silence or wholeness or maybe feeling happy. The point is to understand that the way out is the way in.
Join to this 10 minute meditation session on Thursdays from 11.00 AM with a short intro to tune in and learn a bit about how your mind works and how to breathe properly.
András Horváth
Creator of Stopping™