In the digital age, programming is a basic literacy. It’s a 21st century skill that’s imperative to almost every industry. But programming skills isn’t just about developing applications for a computer – it’s also about learning a new ways of thinking.

Is programming the new literacy in the 21st century?
– Talking about pragmatic (python) programming –

In the digital age, programming is a basic literacy. It’s a 21st century skill that’s imperative to almost every industry. But programming skills isn’t just about developing applications for a computer – it’s also about learning a new ways of thinking.

Gábor Guta will help us to explore the world of programming from the basic concepts through real-world insights.
After a short introduction of his books (Szoftverfejlesztés okosan // Pragmaric Python Programming) you will have the chance to ask questions and start a conversation about why programming skills can be useful in your business endeavour or how to even explore this field if you were interested in it for a long time.


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