The end of an era, a stage of life, a professional journey. What can we learn from it? How can it influence our future decisions and ultimately how can we develop by it?
Our guests sharing their stories:
Lily Asch (USA) – Writer, storyteller, facilitator and founder of Real Talk, a social enterprise dealing with mental health;
Dániel Farkas – Co-founder and former CEO of Drops language learning platform;
Attila Molnár – organizational and workplace psychologist, co-founder of TeamINSIGHT Labs.
The event was be hosted by: Áron Levendel – Solution-focused coach, coach trainer, managing director of KAPTÁR and Solutionsurfers Hungary.
This is definitely a very useful and therapeutic conversation thanks to this fine line up of business owners, so enjoy your therapy session about changing/ending things.
If you were interested in the event but couldn’t attend live, you can now watch it on YouTube here:
And HERE, with video(!) on Spotify too.
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