First steps and everything you need to know to get the most out of your KAPTÁR pass.
You can learn everything about full membership in KAPTÁR in 8 steps.
Access to KAPTÁR
With the help of the KISI access application, you can easily open the front door and enter KAPTÁR on your own without having to wait for us to let you in.
Managing your pass
With your registration, your KAPTÁR profile was created. You can access it either web based on the KAPTÁR Portal or in the Passport mobile app. Here you can update your personal details, manage your pass and add-ons, book meeting rooms and so much more!
Automatic renewal of your pass
Note, that all passes renew automatically in our system, so if you want to suspend/stop the renewal, change your pass, you can set these under your KAPTÁR profile directly. Otherwise, you can always reach out to us.

Do you have a 24/7 pass?
Scroll down and find out how you can become (kind of) a KAPTÁR owner! 🙂
Meeting rooms
We’ll show you how to make the most of the available meeting rooms during the day.
Phone calls in the space
We mind each other’s space even if making calles in the open, but check out how you can best use our phone booths and available meeting rooms during the day.
Community life
We definitely have something to do for you each week! Scroll down and let us show you where you can find out all about community programs and events. Don’t miss out on anything!
Pass add-ons
In addition to your current pass, you can also choose from certain add-ons to your pass, like unlimited coffee- and tea, unlimited printing, locker, or a 30-day pass extension, and even a Seat- or Postal Address service. Purchase links can be found below by loggin in to your KAPTÁR profile.
Kaptár On-boardometer
1/8 – The KISI access control system – your key to KAPTÁR
With the help of our KISI remote access application, you can easily access KAPTÁR anytime without having to wait for any of our colleagues.
When starting your first membership, you’ll receive your sign in link to KISI. Download the app from the app store (IOS or Android) to your mobile and sign in with the sign in link receive to your email.
KISI will allow you smooth access to KAPTÁR’s doors.
If successful, you’ll be able to come and go in and out of the buildings easily. If you need help, let us know.
2/8 – KAPTÁR member platforms – to best manage your account
By entering the KAPTÁR Portal interface, you can update your personal and invoicing data at any time, upload useful information about yourself, browse among community members and book meeting rooms, buy and modify passes or any KAPTÁR services and products. If you would like to try the KAPTÁR mobile application Passport, download it to Apple iOS or Android and log in here. We welcome all feedback!
3/8 – The renewal and management of your monthly pass
Our space operating system monitors the use of your monthly passes and available days. Please note that our monthly passes are renewed automatically, but you will be notified about it in advance. You will receive a reminder by email one week before your pass expires. If you would like to suspend/stop the renewal or change your package, please let us know in the reply to this reminder email to hello@kaptarbudapest.hu. If you´re not sure how many days you’ve used, you can ask us in person any time.
4/8 – Life outside opening hours with you 24/7 pass
With your 24/7 access to KAPTÁR, you’re also becoming kind of an owner of the space also, so we appreciate it very much if you care for the place like we do.
In case you are the last person in the space on a certain day, then please:
– Double-check if it is really you who is the last person in;
– Switch off all the lights;
– Turn off all the air conditioners;
– Close the windows;
– Set the alarm in the building (You received the code right? If not, please let us know asap!).
If you have any problems when opening or closing and you need help, you will find our contact information next to the front door for quick assistance.
5/8 – Using the meeting rooms of KAPTÁR
For calls shorter than an hour, feel free to drop into any available meeting room in the space (downstairs or upstairs alike).
For meetings, calls longer than an hour, you need to book the meeting rooms for yourself. You can do it through your KAPTÁR account with a member’s discount.
Moreover, we have also come up with a “last minute” booking option! If you want to guarantee yourself one of the S or M meeting rooms for a call or a meeting with another member, you can book the room with our team at a discounted price of EUR 3.50/hour net 6 hours before start. Last minute price cannot be used for meetings with guests outside of KAPTÁR.
6/8 – Calls and meetings in the commons spaces
In our open coworking spaces, we allow each other to work undisturbed in accordance with the principle of live and let live.
If you expect a longer call, you can use the designated phone booths during the day on a first-come, first-served basis. Feel free to use the phone booths for any length of time. In our Classic building, you’ll find two of these (on the ground floor and upstairs), and three more across the street at KAPTÁR Happening.
The available meeting rooms between bookings can be also used to make calls of less than an hour free of charge. If you want to book a meeting room for an hour or more to have a longer call, an important meeting or if you have a guest, you can do so from your KAPTÁR profile at a member price or at a discounted “last minute” booking fee asking the team.
7/8 – This is how you can find out about our community programs
At the start of your pass, you will also be added to the mailing list of community newsletters, where you will receive a weekly summary of our current events, discounts and coupons tailored to KAPTÁR members.
Join our CLOSED FACEBOOK group to follow our “internal” events.
Join our SLACK channel for in-house news.
Follow our WHATSAPP group for reminders about what you can participate in at KAPTÁR that day.
8/8 – Some important reads + Pass add-ons
FAQ – Read below the first 50 most important Q&A-s organized by service types and topics. If you prefer finding information and answers yourself rather than asking us.
KAPTÁR House Rules Here is a summary of all our guidelines in our everyday life. Both old and new HIPPERs can learn a lot from going through them!
Pass add-ons
You’ve reached the end! Congrats!
This way, you already have all the important information you need to really inhabit KAPTÁR! If you have any questions about the above, feel free to contact us!