[Angol nyelvƱ esemĂ©ny] In this presentation, Bertalan Barta, the founder of Improwww Marketing, presents the operation of customer acquisition systems compared to traditional marketing tools. The lecture will talk about today’s defining trends, working methods and how you can build your own customer acquisition system to make your business even more successful.
- Career path – How did I find my profession?
- Basic principles of marketing – Today’s trends
- Misconceptions – It used to work, why not now?
- Creating your own buyer persona
- Effective communication strategies in practice
- The alpha and omega of sales – Your sales page
- Sales funnels in practice
VĂĄrunk oktĂłber 26-ĂĄn, szerdĂĄn este 18:00 ĂłrĂĄtĂłl!
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